Rational RequisitePro可扩展性概述
作者:Mark Goossen 选自:IBM


有两个部件用来扩展 RequisitePro。第一个是 RequisitePro Extensibility server,RPX。RPX用来访问工程、包、需求和用户等。

第二个是RqGUIApp library。它用来控制RequisitePro用户界面,它也可以提供对Microsoft Word文档的一些控制功能。

图 1: 可扩展性架构


RPX是RequisitePro的可扩展性接口。它的核心组件为 ReqPro.dll,这个dll可以通过COM接口访问。RPX包含用来读取或者修改已存在的RequisitePro工程的类。

要想看关于RPX对象模型,包括类图等的信息,参见RequisitePro Extensibility Interface Help,它已经随着RequisitePro安装。


  • 需求模型的语义,如应用、工程、包、需求、文档、关系、讨论、属性值等。
  • 管理项,如用户和用户组。
  • 视图
  • Meta-data,如属性类型,需求类型、文档类型。这些项不能通过RPX访问
  • 文档内容(看RqGUIApp节有关如何处理文档的内容)
  • 工程创建


一旦你安装了RequisitePro,你就可以开始使用RPX写代码。所有提供的例子都使用Microsoft Visual Basic 6语法。如果你使用Visual Basic,你需要添加RPX (RequisitePro Extensibility Interface)到你的工程引用中。




'open a project 
Private Sub OpenProject() 

Dim a_oReqPro As ReqPro40.Application 
Dim a_oProject As ReqPro40.Project 
Dim a_sProjectName As String 

'start the server 
Set a_oReqPro = New ReqPro40.Application 

If Not a_oReqPro Is Nothing Then 

'open a learning project by filename 
a_sProjectName = a_oReqPro.ServerInformation.Path & _ 
"\..\samples\Learning_Project-Traditional\LEARNING - TRADITIONAL.rqs" 

'a user id is required 
Set a_oProject = a_oReqPro.OpenProject( _ 
a_sProjectName, _ 
eOpenProjOpt_RQSFile, _ 
"AnyUserID", _ 

'close the project 
a_oReqPro.CloseProject a_oProject, eProjLookup_Object 
End If 

Set a_oProject = Nothing 
Set a_oReqPro = Nothing 

End Sub
清单 1:通过文件名打开工程


'open a project from the catalog 
Private Sub OpenProjectFromCatalog() 

Dim a_oReqPro As ReqPro40.Application 
Dim a_oProject As ReqPro40.Project 
Dim a_oCatalog As ReqPro40.Catalog 
Dim a_oCatalogItem As ReqPro40.CatalogItem 
Dim a_sProjectName As String 

'start the server 
Set a_oReqPro = New ReqPro40.Application 

If Not a_oReqPro Is Nothing Then 

Set a_oCatalog = a_oReqPro.PersonalCatalog 

If Not a_oCatalog Is Nothing Then 

'look up the first project in the catalog 
Set a_oCatalogItem = a_oCatalog.Item(1, eCatLookup_Index) 

'a user id is required 
Set a_oProject = a_oReqPro.OpenProject( _ 
a_oCatalogItem, _ 
eOpenProjOpt_Object, _ 
"AnyUserID", _ 

'close the project 
a_oReqPro.CloseProject a_oProject, eProjLookup_Object 
End If 
End If 

Set a_oCatalog = Nothing 
Set a_oCatalogItem = Nothing 
Set a_oReqPro = Nothing 

End Sub
清单 2: 从最近工程列表中打开工程



'print all requirements 
Sub PrintAllRequirements(oProject As ReqPro40.Project) 

Dim a_oReqs As ReqPro40.Requirements 
Dim a_oReq As ReqPro40.Requirement 

'retrieve all requirements 
Set a_oReqs = oProject.GetRequirements("", eReqsLookup_All) 

'iterate through requirements 
While Not a_oReqs.IsEOF 
Set a_oReq = a_oReqs.ItemCurrent 

'print out tag and text to the debug window 
Debug.Print a_oReq.Tag & " " & a_oReq.Text 


Set a_oReq = Nothing 
Set a_oReqs = Nothing 
End Sub
清单 3: 打印需求信息


'print requirements to Microsoft Excel 
Sub PrintAllRequirementsToExcel(oProject As ReqPro40.Project) 

Dim a_oReqs As ReqPro40.Requirements 
Dim a_oReq As ReqPro40.Requirement 
Dim a_oExcelApp As Object 
Dim a_oWorkbook As Object ' Excel.Workbook 
Dim a_oSheet As Object ' Excel.Worksheet 
Dim a_lRow As Long 

Set a_oExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
Set a_oWorkbook = a_oExcelApp.Workbooks.Add 
a_oExcelApp.Visible = True 

Set a_oSheet = a_oWorkbook.ActiveSheet 

a_oSheet.Name = "ReqPro" 
a_oSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Tag" 
a_oSheet.Cells(1, 2).Value = "Requirement" 
a_lRow = 2 

'retrieve all requirements 
Set a_oReqs = oProject.GetRequirements("", eReqsLookup_All) 

'iterate through requirements 
While Not a_oReqs.IsEOF 
Set a_oReq = a_oReqs.ItemCurrent 

a_oSheet.Cells(a_lRow, 1).Value = a_oReq.Tag 
a_oSheet.Cells(a_lRow, 2).Value = a_oReq.Text 

a_lRow = a_lRow + 1 

Set a_oReq = Nothing 
Set a_oReqs = Nothing 
End Sub
清单 4: 导出需求到Microsoft Excel



'create a requirement 
Private Sub CreateRequirement(oProject As ReqPro40.Project) 

Dim a_oReqs As ReqPro40.Requirements 
Dim a_oReq As ReqPro40.Requirement 

'get all requirements of type "PR" 
Set a_oReqs = oProject.GetRequirements("PR", eReqsLookup_TagPrefix) 

'add a requirement to the collection of PR requirements 
Set a_oReq = a_oReqs.Add( _ 
"requirement_name", _ 
"This is a root PR requirement.", _ 
"PR", eReqTypesLookups_Prefix) 

'commit this to the database by doing a save on the requirement 

Set a_oReq = Nothing 
Set a_oReqs = Nothing 
End Sub
清单 5: 通过RPX创建新的需求


'create a trace-to relationship 
Private Sub CreateTraceRelationship(oProject As ReqPro40.Project) 

Dim a_oReqs As ReqPro40.Requirements 
Dim a_oReq1 As ReqPro40.Requirement 
Dim a_oReq2 As ReqPro40.Requirement 
Dim a_oRel As ReqPro40.Relationship 

'get all requirements 
Set a_oReqs = oProject.GetRequirements("", eReqsLookup_All) 

'lookup the requirements that you would like 
'to be a part of the relationship 
Set a_oReq1 = a_oReqs.Item("PR1", eReqLookup_Tag) 
Set a_oReq2 = a_oReqs.Item("SR1.6", eReqLookup_Tag) 

If Not a_oReq1 Is Nothing Then 
Set a_oRel = a_oReq1.TracesTo.Add(a_oReq2, eReqLookup_Object) 
End If 

'commit this to the database by doing a save on the requirement 

Set a_oReq1 = Nothing 
Set a_oReq2 = Nothing 
Set a_oRel = Nothing 
Set a_oReqs = Nothing 
End Sub
清单 6: 创建跟踪关系


'modify requirement attribute values 
Private Sub ModifyAttributeValue(oProject As ReqPro40.Project) 

Dim a_oReqs As ReqPro40.Requirements 
Dim a_oReq As ReqPro40.Requirement 
Dim a_oAttrValues As ReqPro40.AttrValues 
Dim a_oAttrValue As ReqPro40.AttrValue 

'get all requirements 
Set a_oReqs = oProject.GetRequirements("", eReqsLookup_All) 

Set a_oReq = a_oReqs.Item("PR1", eReqLookup_Tag) 

If Not a_oReq Is Nothing Then 
Set a_oAttrValues = a_oReq.AttrValues 

If Not a_oAttrValues Is Nothing Then 

'cycle through each AttrValue object and modify the value 
'based on the attribute's specific data type. 
For Each a_oAttrValue In a_oAttrValues 

Select Case a_oAttrValue.DataType 
Case ReqPro40.eAttrDataTypes_Text 
a_oAttrValue.Text = "RequisitePro Example" 
Case ReqPro40.eAttrDataTypes_List 
'Rather than using the Value property of a List 
'Attr, we need to use the ListItemValues 
'property, which returns a collection of 
'ListItemValue objects. 
'Once we have a ListItemValue object reference, 
'we can then query its Text property, 
'and set its Selected property. 
Dim a_oListItemValues As ListItemValues 
Dim a_oListItem As ListItemValue 

Set a_oListItemValues = a_oAttrValue.ListItemValues 
For Each a_oListItem In a_oListItemValues 
If a_oListItem.Text = "Low" Then 
a_oListItem.Selected = True 
End If 
Next a_oListItem 
End Select 
Next a_oAttrValue 
End If 'Not a_oAttrValues Is Nothing 
End If 'Not a_oReq Is Nothing 

' Commit this to the database by doing a save on the requirement 

Set a_oReq = Nothing 
Set a_oAttrValues = Nothing 
Set a_oAttrValue = Nothing 
Set a_oListItemValues = Nothing 
Set a_oListItem = Nothing 
Set a_oReqs = Nothing 
End Sub
清单 7: 更新一个属性的值



'create a package 
Sub CreatePackage(oProject As ReqPro40.Project) 

Dim a_oRootPackage As ReqPro40.RootPackage 
Dim a_oPackage As ReqPro40.Package 

'retrieve the root package 
Set a_oRootPackage = oProject.GetRootPackage 

'create a package at the root level (Don't need to call save. 
CreatePackage will persist the package) 
Set a_oPackage = a_oRootPackage.CreatePackage("Package Name1", _ 
"My Package") 

Set a_oRootPackage = Nothing 
Set a_oPackage = Nothing 
End Sub
清单 8: 创建一个新的包


'move a requirement 
Sub MoveRequirement(oProject As ReqPro40.Project) 

Dim a_oReqs As ReqPro40.Requirements 
Dim a_oReq As ReqPro40.Requirement 
Dim a_oRootPackage As ReqPro40.RootPackage 
Dim a_oPackage As ReqPro40.Package 

'get all requirements of type "PR" 
Set a_oReqs = oProject.GetRequirements("PR", _ 

'add a requirement to the collection of PR requirements 
Set a_oReq = a_oReqs.Add( _ 
"requirement_name", _ 
"This is a root PR requirement.", _ 
"PR", eReqTypesLookups_Prefix) 

'commit this to the database by doing a save on the requirement 

'retrieve the root package 
Set a_oRootPackage = oProject.GetRootPackage 

'create a package at the root level 
'Don't need to call save, CreatePackage will persist the package 
Set a_oPackage = a_oRootPackage.CreatePackage("Package Name1", _ 
"My Package") 

a_oPackage.AddElement a_oReq, _ 
ePackageLookup_Object, _ 

Set a_oReqs = Nothing 
Set a_oReq = Nothing 
Set a_oRootPackage = Nothing 
Set a_oPackage = Nothing 
End Sub
清单 9: 在包之间移动需求



'print all requirements in each document 
Sub PrintAllDocBasedRequirements(oProject As ReqPro40.Project) 

Dim a_oDocs As ReqPro40.Documents 
Dim a_oDoc As ReqPro40.Document 
Dim a_oReqs As ReqPro40.Requirements 
Dim a_oReq As ReqPro40.Requirement 

'retrieve all documents 
Set a_oDocs = oProject.Documents 

For Each a_oDoc In a_oDocs 
'print out document path and name 
Debug.Print a_oDoc.Name & ": " & a_oDoc.FullPath 

'retrieve all requirements in this document 
Set a_oReqs = a_oDoc.Requirements 

'iterate through requirements 
If Not a_oReqs Is Nothing Then 
While Not a_oReqs.IsEOF 
Set a_oReq = a_oReqs.ItemCurrent 

'print out tag and text to the debug window 
Debug.Print vbTab & a_oReq.Tag & " " & a_oReq.Text 

End If 
Next a_oDoc 

Set a_oDocs = Nothing 
Set a_oDoc = Nothing 
Set a_oReq = Nothing 
Set a_oReqs = Nothing 
End Sub
清单 10: 打印文档中的需求


RqGuiApp是 RequisitePro的 GUI应用程序接口。它的核心组件为RqGuiApp.tlb。这个库允许一些对RequisitePro应用的控制,也可以控制在Microsoft Word打开的RequisitePro文档。

这些接口在RequisitePro Extensibility Interface Help中详细描述,它随着RequisitePro一起安装。


  • 打开和关闭工程
  • 打开、关闭、创建、保存、定位选择文档
  • 创建和更新基于文档的需求
  • 打开视图和找到当前选择的需求
  • 刷新工程浏览器



Dim a_oRqGuiApp As Object 

'get the current running instance of RequisitePro from Windows 
On Error Resume Next 
Set a_oRqGuiApp = GetObject(, "ReqPro40.GUIApp") 
On Error GoTo 0 

' if not open 
If a_oRqGuiApp Is Nothing Then 
MsgBox "Please open RequisitePro" 
End If
清单 11: 使用RqGuiApp和RequisitePro一起工作


Dim a_oRqGuiApp As Object 

'get the current running instance of RequisitePro from Windows 
Set a_oRqGuiApp = CreateObject("ReqPro40.GUIApp")
清单 12: 使用RqGuiApp打开RequisitePro

很多在RqGuiApp中提供的方法需要使用回调对象。回调对象是一个类的实例,它拥有一些对外的预定义的方法。这些方法在RequisitePro Extensibility Interface help中有详细的定义。需要把定义了这些方法的类编译成一个 .dll,然后把这个类的实例放到RqGuiApp中。在 RequisitePro 2003中,提供了一个用来封装回调对象的 .dll。



' If another project is open, RequisitePro closes the project 
'(and the appropriate dialog boxes) and opens the specified project. 
Function OpenProjectInGui(oRqGuiApp As Object, _ 
sPath As String, _ 
sUser As String, _ 
sPwd As String) As ReqPro40.Project 
Dim a_bRet As Boolean 
Dim a_oCallback As RqCallback.Callback 

'need to instantiate callback object 
Set a_oCallback = New Callback 

'tell the RequisitePro application to open a project 
a_bRet = oRqGuiApp.OpenProject(sPath, _ 
eOpenProjOpt_RQSFile, _ 
sUser, sPwd, _ 
eProjFlag_Normal, _ 

If a_bRet Then 
'wait until the operation is complete 
While Not a_oCallback.IsDone 

'retrieve the project object 
Set OpenProjectInGui = a_oCallback.GetObject 
End If 

Set a_oCallback = Nothing 
End Function
清单 13: 使用RqGuiApp打开工程


RqGuiApp 允许控制RequisitePro文档。这些控制允许脚本请求RequisitePro创建、打开和关闭文档。另外,需求可以加到文档中,已经存在的基于需求的文档可以更新到文档中。

' Creates a RequisitePro document in the current project. 
' The new document is opened in Word, and becomes the active document. 
Public Sub CreateDocument(oRqGuiApp As Object, _ 
sName As String, _ 
sPath As String, _ 
sDocTypeGUID As String, _ 
sDescription As String) 
Dim a_bRet As Boolean 
Dim a_oCallback As RqCallback.Callback 

'need to instantiate callback object 
Set a_oCallback = New Callback 

'the path should be the project's path, including the 
'filename with the proper document type extension 
a_bRet = oRqGuiApp.CreateDocument(sName, _ 
sPath, _ 
sDocTypeGUID, _ 
sDescription, _ 

If a_bRet Then 
'wait until the operation is complete 
While Not a_oCallback.IsDone 
End If 

Set a_oCallback = Nothing 

End Sub
清单 14: 创建新的文档



'Updates requirement text in a document. 
'The document must be saved for the change to take effect. 
Public Sub UpdateRequirementInDocument(oRqGuiApp As Object, _ 
oReq As ReqPro40.Requirement, _ 
sNewText As String) 
Dim a_bRet As Boolean 
Dim a_oCallback As RqCallback.Callback 

'need to instantiate callback object 
Set a_oCallback = New Callback 

a_bRet = oRqGuiApp.UpdateRequirementInDocument(oReq, _ 
sNewText, _ 

If a_bRet Then 
'wait until the operation is complete 
While Not a_oCallback.IsDone 
End If 

Set a_oCallback = Nothing 
End Sub
清单 15: 创建新的基于文档的需求



  • 要想得到更多的信息和例子,请参看随RequisitePro提供的RequisitePro Extensibility Interface Help。


  • 您可以参阅本文在 developerWorks 全球站点上的 英文原文
Mark Goossen自1996年起就在软件行业工作。在加入Rational Software和IBM之前,他使用Rational产品在机器视觉和广播软件行业工作。


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