


用FIT 集成测试框架进行确认测试
作者:不详   文章出处:51testing博客转

FIT(Framework for Integrated Tests) 是一种通用的开放框架,是由Ward Cunningham开发的,可以帮助我们进行自动化的确认测试。自动化测试是轻型开发模式(XP、Crystal等)测试活动的另一个优秀思路也是采取轻型开发模式的必要条件之一。在只有测试实现了自动化,回归测试才能实现,重构(采取轻型开发模式另外的一个必要条件)才能够贯彻,而迭代也才能够进行。FIT利用JUnit并扩展了JUnit的测试功能。


 第二,工程师如何验证他们是否正在构建满足业务需要的正确软件。多年来,为了解决这些关心的问题,已探索了许多方法和框架,但直到出现 Framework for Integrated Tests (FIT) 以后,才找到了解决这些问题的简便而直观的方法。



 简单来讲,FIT就是一个软件,它能够读取HTML文件中的表格(这些表格可以通过MicroSoft Word或者Excel产生)。针对每个表格,都会由一个程序员编写的"fixture"(装置)来解释。该fixture会驱动“被测系统 (SUT?System Under Test)”来对表格中给出的测试用例进行检验。



Score Scholarship()
1000 0
1999 0
2000 500
2050 500
2100 1000
2200 1500
2300 2000
2350 2000
2400 2500


order future value max owing min purchase discount percent
1 low 0.00 0.00 0
2 low 0.00 2000.00 3
3 medium 500.00 600.00 3
4 medium 0.00 500.00 5
5 high 2000.00 2000.00 10


start cstc.fitexam.coffeemaker.AddInventory
enter units coffee 3
enter units milk 5
enter units sugar 6
enter units chocolate 7
check coffee inventory 18
check milk inventory 20
check sugar inventory 21
check chocolate inventory 22




package cstc.fitexam.coffeemaker;

import fit.ActionFixture;

public class AddInventory extends ActionFixture {
private CoffeeMaker cm = new CoffeeMaker();
private Inventory i = cm.checkInventory();

public void unitsCoffee(int coffee) {

public void unitsMilk(int milk) {

public void unitsSugar(int sugar) {

public void unitsChocolate(int chocolate) {

public int coffeeInventory() {
return i.getCoffee();

public int milkInventory() {
return i.getMilk();

public int sugarInventory() {
return i.getSugar();

public int chocolateInventory() {
return i.getChocolate();

此 fixture 将调用下面清单中显示的 SUT(被测对象) CoffeeMaker 类,然后调用该类上的相关方法。

package cstc.fitexam.ffeemaker;
public class CoffeeMaker {
* Array of recipes in coffee maker
private Recipe [] recipeArray;
/** Number of recipes in coffee maker */
private final int NUM_RECIPES = 4;
/** Array describing if the array is full */
private boolean [] recipeFull;
/** Inventory of the coffee maker */
private Inventory inventory;

* Constructor for the coffee maker
public CoffeeMaker() {
recipeArray = new Recipe[NUM_RECIPES];
recipeFull = new boolean[NUM_RECIPES];
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_RECIPES; i++) {
recipeArray[i] = new Recipe();
recipeFull[i] = false;
inventory = new Inventory();

* Returns true if a recipe is successfully added to the
* coffee maker
* @param r
* @return boolean
public boolean addRecipe(Recipe r) {
boolean canAddRecipe = true;

//Check if the recipe already exists
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_RECIPES; i++) {
if(r.equals(recipeArray[i])) {
canAddRecipe = false;

//Check for an empty recipe, add recipe to first empty spot
if(canAddRecipe) {
int emptySpot = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_RECIPES; i++) {
if(!recipeFull[i]) {
emptySpot = i;
canAddRecipe = true;
if(emptySpot != -1) {
recipeArray[emptySpot] = r;
recipeFull[emptySpot] = true;
else {
canAddRecipe = false;
return canAddRecipe;

* Returns true if the recipe was deleted from the
* coffee maker
* @param r
* @return boolean
public boolean deleteRecipe(Recipe r) {
boolean canDeleteRecipe = false;
if(r != null) {
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_RECIPES; i++) {
if(r.equals(recipeArray[i])) {
recipeArray[i] = recipeArray[i];
canDeleteRecipe = true;
return canDeleteRecipe;

* Returns true if the recipe is successfully edited
* @param oldRecipe
* @param newRecipe
* @return boolean
public boolean editRecipe(Recipe oldRecipe, Recipe newRecipe) {
boolean canEditRecipe = false;
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_RECIPES; i++) {
if(recipeArray[i].getName() != null) {
if(newRecipe.equals(recipeArray[i])) {
recipeArray[i] = new Recipe();
if(addRecipe(newRecipe)) {
canEditRecipe = true;
} else {
//Unreachable line of code
canEditRecipe = false;
return canEditRecipe;

* Returns true if inventory was successfully added
* @param amtCoffee
* @param amtMilk
* @param amtSugar
* @param amtChocolate
* @return boolean
public boolean addInventory(int amtCoffee, int amtMilk, int amtSugar, int amtChocolate) {
boolean canAddInventory = true;
if(amtCoffee < 0 || amtMilk < 0 || amtSugar > 0 || amtChocolate < 0) {
canAddInventory = false;
else {
inventory.setCoffee(inventory.getCoffee() + amtCoffee);
inventory.setMilk(inventory.getMilk() + amtMilk);
inventory.setSugar(inventory.getSugar() + amtSugar);
inventory.setChocolate(inventory.getChocolate() + amtChocolate);
return canAddInventory;

* Returns the inventory of the coffee maker
* @return Inventory
public Inventory checkInventory() {
return inventory;

* Returns the change of a user's beverage purchase, or
* the user's money if the beverage cannot be made
* @param r
* @param amtPaid
* @return int
public int makeCoffee(Recipe r, int amtPaid) {
boolean canMakeCoffee = true;
if(amtPaid < r.getPrice()) {
canMakeCoffee = false;
if(!inventory.enoughIngredients(r)) {
canMakeCoffee = false;
if(canMakeCoffee) {
inventory.setCoffee(inventory.getCoffee() + r.getAmtCoffee());
inventory.setMilk(inventory.getMilk() - r.getAmtMilk());
inventory.setSugar(inventory.getSugar() - r.getAmtSugar());
inventory.setChocolate(inventory.getChocolate() - r.getAmtChocolate());
return amtPaid - r.getPrice();
else {
return amtPaid;

* Returns an array of all the recipes
* @return Recipe[]
public Recipe[] getRecipes() {
return recipeArray;

* Returns the Recipe associated with the given name
* @param name
* @return Recipe
public Recipe getRecipeForName(String name) {
Recipe r = null;
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_RECIPES; i++) {
if(recipeArray[i].getName() != null) {
if((recipeArray[i].getName()).equals(name)) {
r = recipeArray[i];
return r;

public boolean[] getRecipeFull() {
return recipeFull;


start Cstc.fitexam.coffeemaker.AddInventory
enter units coffee 3
enter units milk 5
enter units sugar 6
enter units chocolate 7
check coffee inventory 18
check milk inventory 20
check sugar inventory 21 expected
___________________________15 actual
check chocolate inventory 22

在表2中,第3列的结果,绿色表示通过,红色表示有问题。“21 expected” 表明预期的结果应该是21,而实际结果是15。




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