


ShortCUT - 一个简短的c++单元测试框架

2008-01-30 来源






我开始寻找一个现成的解决方案。在互联网上有很多xUnit的测试框架,比如Smalltalk SUnit,JUnit,NUnit,CppUnit等等




  •  能够在一个单独的头文件中(没有模块或库)
  • 几百行代码
  • 易于修改扩展
  • 信息输出
  • 可选宏
  • 不要模板
  • 不要动态内存分配
  • 用于嵌入式系统中
  • 用兼容与低级别的C++ compilers (没有超炫的功能)


  • 建立case有三件事需要做
  • 一个测试用例test case
  • 一个测试集合test suite
  • 测试集合需要添加到runner然后被调用




struct TestAccountWithdrawal : TestCase
    const char* name() { return "Account withdrawal test"; }
    void test(TestSuite* suite) 
        TestAccountSuite* data = (TestAccountSuite*)suite;
        bool succeeded = data->account->Withdraw(11);
        T_ASSERT(succeeded == false);
        T_ASSERT(data->account->Balance() == 10);

添加一个测试集test suite

测试集包含一组相关的测试用例,他的目的像其他的框架中的test suite和test fixture共同的功能。有两个关键的方法(都是可选的)是setup和teardown,它们总是成对出现。
struct TestAccountSuite : TestSuite
    const char* name() { return "Account suite"; }
    void setup()
        account = new Account();
    void teardown() 
        delete account;
    Account* account;


#include <stdio.h>
#include "shortcut.h"
#include "tests/account.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    TestRunner runner;
    TestAccountSuite accountSuite;
    TestAccountWithdrawal accountWithdrawalTest;
    return 0;


这个系统可以很容易添加一个测试用例到现有的程序中。比如,一些用例被#ifdef DEBUG宏控制块,在Release版本就不会输出到二进制文件中,不会连接到其他单元测试库上。



struct TestCase
    TestCase() : next(0) {}
    virtual void test(TestSuite* suite) {}
    virtual const char* name() { return "?"; }
    TestCase* next;


测试集test suite具有相同的结构,除了包含一系列case和两个重载函数setup和teardown

+struct TestSuite
    TestSuite() : next(0), tests(0) {}
    virtual void setup() {}
    virtual void teardown() {}
    virtual const char* name() { return "?"; }
    void AddTest(TestCase* tc)
        tc->next = tests;
        tests = tc;
    TestSuite* next;
    TestCase* tests;

像开始提及的一样这个test suite类扮演着其他框架中的 test suite和test fixture类的角色. 这在写框架中,当fixture提供setup/teardown机制时,suite常常扮演测试组织的角色,因为 ShortCUT是一个简单的框架,就不需要创建这些复杂的类了。当开发需要一个类似的功能是很容易定制的加上。


struct TestRunner
    void RunSuite(TestSuite* suite, int& testCount, int& passCount)
        TestCase* test = suite->tests;
        while (test)
            catch (TestException& te)
                log->write("FAILED '%s': %s\n", test->name(), te.text());
            catch (...)
                log->write("FAILED '%s': unknown exception\n", test->name());
            catch (...)
                log->write("FAILED: teardown error in suite '%s'\n", suite->name());
            test = test->next;




 * Copyright (c) 2003-2004  Pau Arum?& David Garc韆
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#ifndef MiniCppUnit_hxx
#define MiniCppUnit_hxx

 * @mainpage
 * miniCppUnit
 * (C) 2003-2006 Pau Arumi & David Garcia
 * @version 2.5 2006-03-14
 *   - MS Visual compatibility: SConstruct ccflags, usage example, #ifdefs
 * @version 2.4 2006-03-14
 *   - exit test case after first failure
 *   - double and float comparison with fuzzy equals (using scalable epsilon)
 *   - have into account not a numbers
 *   - new ASSERT_EQUALS_EPSILON macro
 *   - more colors, and disabled when comiled in MS Visual
 *   - removed catalan location.
 *   - UsageExample.cxx now uses all macros and features
 * @version 2.3 2006-02-13 added usage example and SConstruct
 * @version 2.2 2004-11-28 code in english and tests suites
 * @version 2.1 2004-11-04 char* especialization
 * @version 2.0 2004-10-26 TestsFactory
 * @version 1.0 2003-10-28 initial
 * Example of use:
 * @code
 * #include "MiniCppUnit.hxx"
 * class MyTests : public TestFixture<MyTests>
 * {
 *  public:
 *   TEST_FIXTURE( MyTests )
 *  {
 *   CAS_DE_TEST( testAddition );
 *   // etc
 *  }
 *  void testAddition()
 *  {
 *   ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, 1+1+2 );
 *  } 
 *  // etc
 * };
 * @endcode
 * @code
 * int main()
 * {
 * return TestFixtureFactory::theInstance().runTests() ? 0 : -1;
 * }
 * @endcode
 * Good things:
 *   - it's a tiny framework made up of two or three src files.
 *     => no need to install as a library
 *   - object oriented and makes use of several GoF patterns
 *   - very simple usage. Just needs to learn very few C macros
 *   - string asserts are simpler to use than cppunit
 *   - string asserts are enhanced with coloured diffs
 *   - concrete test classes are totally decoupled via static factory
 *     => no src file have to include them all.
 *   - it have test suite hierarchies
 *   - compatible with non-standard compliant VisualC6
 *     (though not necessary good ;)

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <list>

#if _MSC_VER < 1300
/** necesary for Visual 6 which don't define std::min */
namespace std
 template<typename T>
 min(const T& a, const T& b) { return a < b ? a: b; }

 * A singleton class.
 * Receives tests results and stores messages to the test log
 * for later listing.
 * It's a singleton for an easy global access from the 'Asserts'
 * methods but it is probably asking for a refactoring in order to limit
 * access only to TestFixtures
class TestsListener
 /** accessor to the global (static) singleton instance */
 static TestsListener& theInstance();
 std::stringstream& errorsLog();
 std::string logString();
 void currentTestName( std::string& name);
 static void testHasRun();
 static void testHasFailed();
 static void testHasThrown();
 /** the human readable summary of run tests*/
 std::string summary();
 /** returns wheather all run tests have passed */
 static bool allTestsPassed();
 static const char* errmsgTag_nameOfTest() { return "Test failed: "; }
 /** constructor private: force the singleton to be wellbehaved ! */
 TestsListener() : _currentTestName(0)
 std::string* _currentTestName;
 std::stringstream _log;
 unsigned _executed;
 unsigned _failed;
 unsigned _exceptions;

class TestFailedException

 * Abstract class with interface that allows run a test. That is runTest
 * and name. It is implemented by TestFixture and TestCase
 * It does the 'Component' role in the 'Composite' patten
class Test
 virtual ~Test(){}
 /** run the test: exercice the code and check results*/
 virtual void runTest() = 0;
 /** the test human-readable name */
 virtual std::string name() const = 0;

 * This class is just a placeholder for all assert functions --as static methods.
 * It is meant for being used just by the assert macros
class Assert
 static const char * errmsgTag_testFailedIn() { return "Test failed in "; }
 static const char * errmsgTag_inLine() { return ", line: "; };
 static const char * errmsgTag_failedExpression() { return "Failed expression: "; }
 static const char * errmsgTag_expected() { return "Expected: "; }
 static const char * errmsgTag_butWas() { return "But was: "; }

#ifdef _MSC_VER
 static const char * blue() { return ""; }
 static const char * green() { return ""; }
 static const char * red() { return ""; }
 static const char * normal() { return ""; }
 static const char * bold() { return ""; }
 static const char * yellow() { return ""; }
 static const char * blue() { return "\033[36;1m"; }
 static const char * green() { return "\033[32;1m"; }
 static const char * red() { return "\033[31;1m"; }
 static const char * normal() { return "\033[0m"; }
 static const char * bold() { return "\033[" "1m"; }
 static const char * yellow() { return "\033[93;1m"; }
 template<typename AType>
 static void assertEquals( const AType& expected, const AType& result,
  const char* file="", int linia=0 )
  if(expected != result)
    << file << ", linia: " << linia << "\n"
    << errmsgTag_expected() << " " << expected << " "
    << errmsgTag_butWas() << " " << result << "\n";

 static void assertTrue(char* strExpression, bool expression,
   const char* file="", int linia=0);

 static void assertTrueMissatge(char* strExpression, bool expression,
   const char* missatge, const char* file="", int linia=0);

 static void assertEquals( const char * expected, const char * result,
  const char* file="", int linia=0 );
 static void assertEquals( const bool& expected, const bool& result,
  const char* file="", int linia=0 );
 static void assertEquals( const double& expected, const double& result,
  const char* file="", int linia=0 );

 static void assertEquals( const float& expected, const float& result,
  const char* file="", int linia=0 );
 static void assertEquals( const long double& expected, const long double& result,
  const char* file="", int linia=0 );
 static void assertEqualsEpsilon( const double& expected, const double& result, const double& epsilon,
  const char* file="", int linia=0 );

 static int notEqualIndex( const std::string & one, const std::string & other );

  * we overload the assert with string doing colored diffs
  * MS Visual6 doesn't allow string by reference :-(
 static void assertEquals( const std::string expected, const std::string result,
  const char* file="", int linia=0 );
 static void fail(const char* motiu, const char* file="", int linia=0);


 * A TestFixture is a class that contain TestCases --which corresponds to
 * ConcreteTestFixture methods-- common objects uder tests, and setUp and
 * tearDown methods which are automatically executed before and after each
 * test case.
 * Is the base class of ConcreteFixtures implemented by the framework user
 * It does the 'Composite' role in the 'Composite' GoF pattern.
 * Its composite children are TestCases, which wrapps the test methods.
 * It is a template class parametrized by ConcreteTestFixture so that it can
 * instantiate TestCase objects templatized with this same parameter: it needs the
 * concrete class type for calling its non-static methods.
template <typename ConcreteTestFixture>
class TestFixture : public Test

 typedef ConcreteTestFixture ConcreteFixture;
 typedef void(ConcreteTestFixture::*TestCaseMethod)();

  * Wrapper for the test methods of concrete TestFixtures.
  * Makes the 'Leave' role in the 'Composite' GoF pattern because can't be
  * be a composition of other tests.
  * It's also a case of 'Command' pattern because it encapsules in an object
  * certain functionality whose execution depends on some deferred entity.
 class TestCase : public Test
  TestCase(ConcreteFixture* parent, TestCaseMethod method, const std::string & name) :
  /** calls TestFixture method.  setUp and tearDown methods are called by
   * its parent TestFixture (in its runTest method).
   * it is robust to unexpected exceptions (throw) */
  void runTest()
   catch( std::exception& error )
     << "std::exception catched by MiniCppUnit: \n"
     << "what() : "
     << Assert::yellow() << error.what()
     << Assert::normal() << "\n";
   catch ( TestFailedException& failure) //just for skiping current test case
     << "non standard exception catched by MiniCppUnit.\n";

  /** the TestFixture method hame */
  std::string name() const
   return _name;

  ConcreteFixture* _parent;
  TestCaseMethod _testCaseMethod;
  std::string _name;
    //------------- end of class TestCase ----------------------------

 typedef std::list<Test*> TestCases;
 TestCases _testCases;
 std::string _name;

 void testsList() const
  std::cout << "\n+ " << name() << "\n";
  for( TestCases::const_iterator it=_testCases.begin();
   it!=_testCases.end(); it++ )
   std::cout << "  - "<< (*it)->name() << "\n";

 virtual void setUp() {}
 virtual void tearDown() {}

 std::string name() const
  return _name;

 TestFixture(const std::string& name="A text fixture") : _name(name)

 void afegeixCasDeTest(ConcreteFixture* parent, TestCaseMethod method, const char* name)
  TestCase* casDeTest = new TestCase(parent, method, _name + "::" + name);
  _testCases.push_back( casDeTest );
 /** calls each test after setUp and tearDown TestFixture methods */
 void runTest()
  TestCases::iterator it;
  for( it=_testCases.begin(); it!=_testCases.end(); it++)
 /** TestCase that wrapps TestFixture methods are dynamically created and owned by
  * the TestFixture. So here we clean it up*/
  TestCases::iterator it;
  for( it =_testCases.begin(); it!=_testCases.end(); it++)
   delete (*it);

 * This class is aimed to hold a creator method for each concrete TestFixture
class TestFixtureFactory
 /** Well behaved singleton:
  *  Don't allow instantiation apart from theInstance(), so private ctr.*/
 typedef Test* (*FixtureCreator)();
 std::list<FixtureCreator> _creators;
 /** Accessor to the (static) singleton instance */
 static TestFixtureFactory& theInstance()
  static TestFixtureFactory theFactory;
  return theFactory;
 bool runTests()
  std::list<FixtureCreator>::iterator it;
  for(it=_creators.begin(); it!=_creators.end(); it++)
   FixtureCreator creator = *it;
   Test* test = creator();
   delete test;
  std::string errors =  TestsListener::theInstance().logString();
  if (errors!="") std::cout << "\n\nError Details:\n" << errors;
  std::cout << TestsListener::theInstance().summary();

  return TestsListener::theInstance().allTestsPassed(); 
 void addFixtureCreator(FixtureCreator creator)
  _creators.push_back( creator );

 * Macro a usar despr閟 de cada classe de test
#define REGISTER_FIXTURE( ConcreteTestFixture ) \
Test* Creador##ConcreteTestFixture() { return new ConcreteTestFixture; } \
class Registrador##ConcreteTestFixture \
{ \
public: \
 Registrador##ConcreteTestFixture() \
 { \
  TestFixtureFactory::theInstance().addFixtureCreator( \
    Creador##ConcreteTestFixture); \
 } \
}; \
static Registrador##ConcreteTestFixture estatic##ConcreteTestFixture;

 * Assert macros to use in test methods. An assert is a test condition
 * we want to check.
#define ASSERT_EQUALS( expected, result) \
 Assert::assertEquals( expected, result, __FILE__, __LINE__ );

#define ASSERT_EQUALS_EPSILON( expected, result, epsilon) \
 Assert::assertEqualsEpsilon( expected, result, epsilon, __FILE__, __LINE__ );

#define ASSERT( exp ) \
 Assert::assertTrue(#exp, exp, __FILE__, __LINE__);

#define ASSERT_MESSAGE( exp, message ) \
 Assert::assertTrueMissatge(#exp, exp, message, __FILE__, __LINE__);

#define FAIL( why ) \
 Assert::fail(#why, __FILE__, __LINE__);

 * Macros that allows to write the  constructor of the concrete TestFixture.
 * What the constructor does is agregate a wrapper for each test case (method)
 * As easy to write as this:
 * @code
 * class MyTests : public TestFixture<MyTests>
 * {
 *  public:
 *   TEST_FIXTURE( MyTests )
 * {
 *  TEST_CASE( test );
 *  // etc
 * }
 * void test()
 * {
 *  ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, 1+1+2 );
 * }
 * @endcode

#define TEST_FIXTURE( ConcreteFixture ) \
 ConcreteFixture() : TestFixture<ConcreteFixture>( #ConcreteFixture )

#define TEST_CASE( methodName ) \
 afegeixCasDeTest( this, &ConcreteFixture::methodName, #methodName );


#endif  // MiniCppUnit_hxx
 * Copyright (c) 2003-2004  Pau Arum?& David Garc韆
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#include "MiniCppUnit.hxx"

#include <cmath>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <float.h>
namespace std
  template <typename T>
  inline bool isnan(T x) {
  return _isnan(x) != 0;
 template <typename T>
 inline bool isinf(T x) {
  return _finite(x) == 0;

TestsListener& TestsListener::theInstance()
 static TestsListener instancia;
 return instancia;

std::stringstream& TestsListener::errorsLog()
 if (_currentTestName)
  _log << "\n" << errmsgTag_nameOfTest() << (*_currentTestName) << "\n";
 return _log;

std::string TestsListener::logString()
 std::string aRetornar = _log.str();
 return aRetornar;
void TestsListener::currentTestName( std::string& name)
 _currentTestName = &name;
void TestsListener::testHasRun()
 std::cout << ".";
void TestsListener::testHasFailed()
 std::cout << "F";
 throw TestFailedException();
void TestsListener::testHasThrown()
 std::cout << "E";
std::string TestsListener::summary()
 std::ostringstream os;
 os << "\nSummary:\n"
  << Assert::bold() << "\tExecuted Tests:         "
  << _executed << Assert::normal() << std::endl
  << Assert::green() << "\tPassed Tests:           "
  << (_executed-_failed-_exceptions)
  << Assert::normal() << std::endl;
 if (_failed > 0)
  os  << Assert::red() << "\tFailed Tests:           "
   << _failed << Assert::normal() << std::endl;
 if (_exceptions > 0)
  os  << Assert::yellow() << "\tUnexpected exceptions:  "
   << _exceptions << Assert::normal() << std::endl;
 os << std::endl;
 return os.str();
bool TestsListener::allTestsPassed()
 return !theInstance()._exceptions && !theInstance()._failed;


void Assert::assertTrue(char* strExpression, bool expression,
  const char* file, int linia)
 if (!expression)
  TestsListener::theInstance().errorsLog() << "\n"
   << errmsgTag_testFailedIn() << file
   << errmsgTag_inLine() << linia << "\n"
   << errmsgTag_failedExpression()
   << bold() << strExpression << normal() << "\n";

void Assert::assertTrueMissatge(char* strExpression, bool expression,
  const char* missatge, const char* file, int linia)
 if (!expression)
  TestsListener::theInstance().errorsLog() << "\n"
   << errmsgTag_testFailedIn() << file
   << errmsgTag_inLine() << linia << "\n"
   << errmsgTag_failedExpression()
   << bold() << strExpression << "\n"
   << missatge<< normal() << "\n";


void Assert::assertEquals( const char * expected, const char * result,
 const char* file, int linia )
 assertEquals(std::string(expected), std::string(result),
  file, linia);

void Assert::assertEquals( const bool& expected, const bool& result,
 const char* file, int linia )
  file, linia);

// floating point numbers comparisons taken
// from c/c++ users journal. dec 04 pag 10
bool isNaN(double x)
 bool b1 = (x < 0.0);
 bool b2 = (x >= 0.0);
 return !(b1 || b2);

double scaledEpsilon(const double& expected, const double& fuzzyEpsilon )
 const double aa = fabs(expected)+1;
 return (std::isinf(aa))? fuzzyEpsilon: fuzzyEpsilon * aa;
bool fuzzyEquals(double expected, double result, double fuzzyEpsilon)
 return (expected==result) || ( fabs(expected-result) <= scaledEpsilon(expected, fuzzyEpsilon) );
void Assert::assertEquals( const double& expected, const double& result,
  const char* file, int linia )

 const double fuzzyEpsilon = 0.000001;
 assertEqualsEpsilon( expected, result, fuzzyEpsilon, file, linia );

void Assert::assertEquals( const float& expected, const float& result,
  const char* file, int linia )
 assertEquals((double)expected, (double)result, file, linia);
void Assert::assertEquals( const long double& expected, const long double& result,
  const char* file, int linia )
 assertEquals((double)expected, (double)result, file, linia);
void Assert::assertEqualsEpsilon( const double& expected, const double& result, const double& epsilon,
  const char* file, int linia )
 if (isNaN(expected) && isNaN(result) ) return;
 if (!isNaN(expected) && !isNaN(result) && fuzzyEquals(expected, result, epsilon) ) return;

   << errmsgTag_testFailedIn() << file
   << errmsgTag_inLine() << linia << "\n"
   << errmsgTag_expected()
   << bold() << expected << normal() << " "
   << errmsgTag_butWas()
   << bold() << result << normal() << "\n";

int Assert::notEqualIndex( const std::string & one, const std::string & other )
 int end = std::min(one.length(), other.length());
 for ( int index = 0; index < end; index++ )
  if (one[index] != other[index] )
   return index;
 return end;

 * we overload the assert with string doing colored diffs
 * MS Visual6 doesn't allow string by reference :-(
void Assert::assertEquals( const std::string expected, const std::string result,
 const char* file, int linia )
 if(expected == result)
 int indexDiferent = notEqualIndex(expected, result);
  << file << ", linia: " << linia << "\n"
  << errmsgTag_expected() << "\n" << blue()
  << expected.substr(0,indexDiferent)
  << green() << expected.substr(indexDiferent)
  << normal() << "\n"
  << errmsgTag_butWas() << blue() << "\n"
  << result.substr(0,indexDiferent)
  << red() << result.substr(indexDiferent)
  << normal() << std::endl;

void Assert::fail(const char* motiu, const char* file, int linia)
 TestsListener::theInstance().errorsLog() <<
  file << errmsgTag_inLine() << linia << "\n" <<
  "Reason: " << motiu << "\n";



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