
 Here's Your Test Results from the Object Oriented Test

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Question 1: Object-Oriented Technologies have the following benefits:

Correct Answer is Answer4: High level of abstraction
Object-Oriented Technologies have the following benefits: Increased encapsulation through class definitions, decreased coupling between modules through relationships, and increased cohesion of code through class definition.


Question 2: Object-Oriented Technologies have the following benefits

Correct Answer is Answer2:
Unified Modeling Language:UML means Unified Modeling Language


Question 3: Which of the following statements is true?

Correct Answer is Answer2: UML is a collaboration of the main stream Object-Oriented Methodologies.
UML is the Unified Modeling Language and is a collaboration of all of the main stream OO methodologies.


Question 4: What is true about Object-oriented Analysis?

Correct Answer is Answer1: It is a method of modeling requirements of the system
Answer two is incorrect because analysis leads to the design of the system. Code cannot be written from the analysis, but the design.


Question 5: A object has

Correct Answer is Answer4: Attributes
A class has behavior, state, identity and attributes


Question 6: Which of the following is true?

Correct Answer is Answer5: All of the above
An object is an instance of a class, and a class is an abstract definition for a set of objects. Objects can be created and destroyed and have a definite life span.


Question 7: An object's state is determined by,

Correct Answer is Answer8: Answers 1, 2, and 3
An Object's state is determined by the first three answers


Question 8: A class's structure is

Correct Answer is Answer2: Represented by attributes and relationships
A classes structure is represented by its attributes


Question 9: A class's behavior is

Correct Answer is Answer1: Determined by a set of operations
A class's behavior is determined by a set of operations.


Question 10: Which of the following statements is true?

Correct Answer is Answer1: Class cardinality determines the number of objects that can exist of the specific class.
The class cardinality determines the number of objects that can exist at any one time of the specified class. All of the other statements are incorrect assumptions about classes.


Question 11: Which of the following statements are true about method visibility?

Correct Answer is Answer6: Answer 2 and 3
The Operations of class are visible to all methods of the same object, and if the visibility is public. Objects of the same class cannot access private method of an object in the same class. Children classes can only access the public and protected areas of the parent class.


Question 12: Which of the following is false about cardinality mapping?

Correct Answer is Answer4: "3..7" - 3 or 7
The correct response for answer four is 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7


Question 13: What is the type of visibility required for a child class to see the operations of a parent class in an inheritance relationship?

Correct Answer is Answer8: Answers 1 and 2
All public operations are visible to any object, protected operations are visible to children classes of the parent class


Question 14: Polymorphism is

Correct Answer is Answer1: When an operation in a child class has the same name and operation signature as the parent class.
Polymorphism is when the child class has an operation with the same name and signature as the parent class with a different implementation.


Question 15: The term "overriding" refers to

Correct Answer is Answer3: When an operation in the same class has the same name and a different signature.
The first answer is polymorphism, the second answer is not valid, the third answer is just part of the definition of overriding, but it is still true. The last definition is not valid.


Question 16: Attributes of children classes in an inheritance relationship can have the same name as attributes in the parent class.

Correct Answer is Answer3: This statement is not a valid in Object-oriented technology.
Attributes in the child class cannot have the same name as attributes in the parent class


Question 17: What visibilities can attributes can have?

Correct Answer is Answer5: All of the above
Visibility for attributes can be Public, Protected, Private, and Implementation


Question 18: A utility class refers to

Correct Answer is Answer3: A group of common operations grouped together in a class
A utility class does not create other classes by definition that is called a factory. A utility class will have no objects, which means the cardinality of 0. A utility class is a group of operations with common characteristics


Question 19: What statement best describes an inheritance relationship?

Correct Answer is Answer2: "IS A" relationship
Inheritance is an "IS A" relationship


Question 20: What statement best describes a realize relationship?

Correct Answer is Answer3: "IMPLEMENTS" relationship
Realize is an "Implements" relationship


Question 21: What statement best describes an aggregation relationship?

Correct Answer is Answer1: "HAS A" relationship.
Aggregation is a "has a" relationship


Question 22: What statement best describes a dependency relationship?

Correct Answer is Answer4: "USES" relationship
Dependency is a "uses" relationship


Question 23: What statement best describes an association relationship?

Correct Answer is Answer3: "IMPLEMENTS" relationship
Association is an "is part of" relationship


Question 24: The class foo has many of the same attributes as class bar, but it behaves slightly differently from bar. It can be said that foo is a specialization of bar. What is the relationship between foo and bar?

Correct Answer is Answer3: Inheritance
Class foo is a prime candidate for inheritance from bar because they the same attributes and much of the same operations, since specialization is another term for the word inheritance, the relationship should be inheritance.


Question 25: The class foo represents an interface to a library. The class bar contains all of the operations of the foo class and is the actual class that is used at runtime of the library. What is the relationship between foo and bar?

Correct Answer is Answer4: Realization
Class foo is an interface class and class bar is the implementation of the interface the relationship is the realization relationship.


Question 26: An operation in class foo calls an operation in class bar. There are no other relationships between the two classes. What type of relationship is this one?

Correct Answer is Answer5: Dependency
Class foo uses class bar. This is a dependency relationship.


Question 27: A car has four wheels. The class car and the class wheel have what type of relationship?

Correct Answer is Answer2: Aggregation
The car is an aggregation of wheels the body and the engine. In this case we are only looking at the wheels in relationship to the car. The relationship is aggregation.


Question 28: The student attends several classrooms. The classroom can hold several students. What is the relationship between the student and the classroom?

Correct Answer is Answer1: Association
The student associates with the classroom and vice versa. This is not an aggregation because the classroom does not require students to be a classroom.


Question 29: What is true about tertiary relationships?

Correct Answer is Answer2: It is a single relationship that relates three classes together.
The first answer is incorrect, because four classes are involved in a single relationship. The second relationship is the correct answer because it relates three classes in a single relationship. The third relationship has nothing to do with the term tertiary relationship.


Question 30: What kinds of items are related in realization relationships?

Correct Answer is Answer7: Answers 1 and 2
Realizes refers to interfaces and their implementation classes and templates and their instantiated classes.


Question 31: Select the relationships that can have cardinality, other than "1".

Correct Answer is Answer8: Answers 1 and 2
Cardinality between classes is one in the following relationships: Inheritance, Realization and Dependency. The other relationships can have cardinality other than one.


Question 32: Which of the following statements are false?

Correct Answer is Answer3: A class can have only one relationship to another class.
There is not a constraint on the number of relationships between classes.


Question 33: What types of relationships can a class have to itself?

Correct Answer is Answer6: Answers 1 and 2
A class cannot inherit from itself, a class cannot realize itself and a class cannot depend on itself. A class can have an association with itself and be an aggregate part of its self.


Question 34: What is an actor in use case analysis?

Correct Answer is Answer1: Anything that interacts with the system.
An actor is not part of the system. As a result answer 2 and 3 are incorrect. Answer 1 is correct because actors are defined as anything that interacts with the system.


Question 35: What of the following is true about use case analysis?

Correct Answer is Answer5: All of the above
All of the statements above are true about use case analysis.


Question 36: A Use Case represents

Correct Answer is Answer3: A sequence of transitions that are performed by the system.
A use case represents transitions that are performed by the system in response to an actor's request.


Question 37: Which of the following is false about Use Case Analysis?

Correct Answer is Answer2: A use case must be directly related to at least one actor of the system
A use case must be related to an actor or another use case to be part of the system. It is not a requirement that the use case be used by an actor of the system. It can be used by another use case.


Question 38: What is true about scenarios?

Correct Answer is Answer4: It is a good place to find objects that can be classified into classes.
All of the statements are true about scenarios


Question 39: A software designer wants to show a scenario that has a time critical flow of control between multiple objects. What diagramming technique should they use?

Correct Answer is Answer1: Sequence Diagram
A sequence diagram shows the sequence of messages reading from top - down. A Collaboration diagram shows the messages between objects easier, while a state diagram shows only the state transitions for one class.


Question 40: A Sequence diagram contains

Correct Answer is Answer7: All of the above except 3
A sequence diagram does not contain object visibility


Question 41: Collaboration diagrams contain

Correct Answer is Answer5: Focus of control
A Collaboration diagram does not contain focus of control


Question 42: What is true about messages in scenarios?

Correct Answer is Answer2: The operation of the called object
A message in a scenario represents the operation of the object being called.


Question 43: A State Machine contains

Correct Answer is Answer5: All of the above
A state machine contains states, transitions, actions, and events.


Question 44: A state machine can have only one

Correct Answer is Answer2: Initial State
A state machine can have only one initial state. A state may have a sub state that is an initial state but that is considered a different state machine.


Question 45: A non-deterministic State Machines is

Correct Answer is Answer1: When a state has multiple non-qualified outgoing transitions.
A trigger event or a guard condition must qualify each transition leaving a state. If it does not it is called an automatic transition. There can only be one automatic transition from a state or the transitions from the state are non-deterministic.


Question 46: A transition with out a guard condition or a trigger event is called

Correct Answer is Answer2: Automatic transition
If there is not a trigger event or a guard condition on a transition it is called an automatic transition


Question 47: Which of the following statements is false?

Correct Answer is Answer1: An object can be in more than one state at a time
An object can only be in one state at a time.


Question 48: What is false about design patterns?

Correct Answer is Answer2: A design pattern is a map from object-oriented design to specific language implementation.
A design pattern is implementation language independent. Language idioms are language dependent.


Question 49: What type of pattern is a factory pattern?

Correct Answer is Answer2: A creation pattern
A Factory pattern is used to create other object; therefore it is a creation pattern.


Question 50: An engineer needs to design a system for multiple customers that are accessing the same database. Each customer has unique ways they want to look at the information from the database. They will need to see changes to the data in a real-time fashion. What design pattern will be most useful?

Correct Answer is Answer3: Model View Controller
The model view controller pattern is specifically for multiple views of the same data. It also provides for real-time updates of the views when the data changes.

