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Enterprise-Class SOA Architecture Design and Practice

Training Time:beijing shanhai shengcheng   According to enrollment classes
Training Fees:5000yuan/person 
Corporate Training: According to business needs, custom House

This course is to a practical SOA projects as the background, using interactive teaching way, complete, systematic introduces SOA project's whole planning, design and implementation. The lecturer at the same time will also guide the participants to complete structure design of a actual SOA case and the part of the development practice of the SOA relevant tools.

  • Learn SOA architecture
  • Understand SOA principles
  • Understanding the relationship of BPM, EA and OOAD
  • Understanding SOA design principles
  • Learning SOA solution mode
  • Understanding SOA achieve : service design principles
  • Learn how to migrate to service-oriented architecture
  • Understand using SOA and ESB's main stage
  • Understanding of the enterprise service bus scene and solutions in the service-oriented architecture
  • Master the SOA programming model of Web services now
  • Master the development of SOA / Web services framework
Teaching methods: customized course + case to explain + Group Discussion,60% of the cases to explain ,40% of the practice drills.
Training Outline: 4 days
SOA Composition
  • The relations between SOA and other technologies
  • Using of SOA in the application
  • Service-oriented design SOA
  • SOA collaboration
  • Services and components
SOA Principle
  • Business drive services, services drive technology
  • Business agility is a fundamental business requirements
  • A successful SOA is always changing
SOA Connect Architecture
  • Services job roles
  • Service petitioner and service providers
  • Polymeric service providers
  • Acting as an intermediary service agent
  • Multiple agreements services call
  • Web services description language (WSDL) Services Description
  • Information exchange mode
  • Services find UDDI
The Relations of BPM, EA and OOAD
  • SOAD and its components: OOAD, BPM and EA
  • OO paradigm and service-oriented (SO) Paradigm
  • SOAD service definition level
Service Mark and Definition
  • Direct and indirect business analysis
  • Domain decomposition
  • Service granularity
  • Naming Convention
SOA Design Principles
  • Service classification and polymerization
  • Strategy and respect
  • Process: Middle encounter
  • Service acquirement and knowledge agency
SOA Solutions Model
  • Basic adapter
  • Service gateway
  • Web service-compliant broker
  • EAI Infrastructure for SOA
  • Service Choreographer
  • Full SOA Infrastructure
SOA Service Design Principles
  • The principle of separation
  • The principle of consistency
  • Simplify the development principles of SOA
  • Service with a standard, after the formal definition of computer processing interface
  • Services should be designed to be reusable
  • Naming service should be to maximize the ease of use for the goal
  • Services should have carefully selected the size
  • Services should be cohesive and complete
  • Services to achieve the details for package
  • Services to a variety of call models
  • Services with no state interface
  • Services should use state affairs modeling
Design Services Operating Principles
  • Operation shows business action
  • Operating should be used coarse-grained parameter
  • Operation design should be consider complicated
Migrate to Service-oriented Architecture
  • Most important issue – complexity
  • Integration problems - interface diversity solutions
  • Beyond web services
  • The future - a new model, new demands
  • Grid computing on-demand computing
The Main Stage of Use of SOA and ESB
  • Determining the involved directly scope
  • An important stage of SOA
  • SOA implementation steps
Enterprise Service Bus Scene and Solutions in the Service-oriented Architecture
  • The work role of ESB in SOA
  • ESB structure
  • ESB functional model
  • Security issues of impact on ESB
  • ESB scene and analysis
  • The ESB scene in SOA
  • Driver ESB architecture and the problem of design decisions
The SOA Programming Model of Web Services
  • Components achievement and the special components type
  • Component definition
  • Standardize services
  • Service components to achieve
  • Examples of service components
Development of SOA / Web Services Framework
  • Use of the existing business logic and processes
  • Concurrent support
  • Secure access to services
  • Affairs problems
  • Scalability
  • Pool and resource management
  • Design SOA / Web services framework
  • Open to the public service
  • Achieve the coarse-grained services using of EJB components
Training objects:Architects, developers, project managers, development managers
Student basis:Have the relevant experience of the Web application development.

Lecturer Qualification
Senior experts
Had his inaugural famous IT companies
More than 10 years of professional experience
More than 5 years teaching experience
More than 100 training cases experience
An average of more than 90% of student satisfaction
Success Stories   more...
Beijing Software Architect - Advanced practical training was successfully held
Successfully held a well-known Institute of Aeronautics CMMI best practices training
Purple Arima web application security best practices training successfully held
Beijing unit testing, refactoring and continuous integration training was successfully held
Student feedback
"Our training can be combined with the actual work of custom courses, using real case to explain, received the school thought the effect of"
Pitaya Software is provided to you after hundreds of companies to verify the effective engineering of practical experience, focus on the latest theoretical developments to help you "lead your industry software world"

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