test elementary knowledge |
- software test knowledge system
- software test basic concept
- software development and software test
- software test flow
- software test type
- software test experience sharing
TD the part
- TD installment and the deployment
- project foundation
- test demand foundation
- definition test collection
- test moves with the example
- foundation in TD, analyzes and tracks
test the case
- flaw the track
- test result output
- to produce the test report in TD
WinRunner part
- WinRunner realization principle
- script transcribing
- synchronization
- each kind of type set point, synchronized
data actuation test
- script movement
- high-level utilization
LoadRuner part:
- Performance test plan formulation
- script transcribing
- has custom-made business
- parametrization
- set point
- to dispose the multi-IP address
- script grammar to explain
- under various agreements the commonly
used function
- script revision
- connection
LoadRuner part:
- The performance test plans
- each kind of type project demonstration
explanation (script foundation
- and playbacking, scene foundation and
movement, monitoring scene and result analysis)
- B/S project (J2EE sum.NET construction)
- dynamic (automatic/Manual) data
- association The performance test scene
- result analysis
- high-level utilizes
- each kind of type project demonstration
explanation (script foundation and playbacking,
scene foundation and movement, monitoring
scene and result analysis)
- Windows Sockets
- performance test monitoring method
- commonly used performance monitoring target
- performance test result analyzes
- Windows, the Unix system monitoring method
and the target analysis explains in detail
- the network explains in detail J2EE, the
EJB performance monitoring
- method and the target analysis using
- the server and the database server monitoring
method and the target
- analysis explains in detail
Uses the actual case teaching, teaches in the
process to be possible to aim at the actual
problem to provide the technical instruction