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Database Design with Rational Rose training-Pitaya software engineering center-UML software engineering organizations£¡

Course Description£ºDatabase Design with Rational Rose

Authentication organization£ºUML software engineering organizations
Teaching a course time£ºAM9£º00-12£º00£»PM13£º00-16£º00
Course Length£º6 Learn hours/1 days
Course composing£ºExperienced expert teaching¡¢Interaction type case teaching¡¢The actual combat simulates the project operation

Lodgings situation£ºAccording to requests to arrange lodgings personally,Thing expenses are the responsibility of the individual


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Course introduction

The Database Design with Rational Rose courseware will enable data modelers to use a software engineering process to build a UML data model in Rational Rose Data Modeler. Using the lecture-lab approach typical of other tool training courses in Rational University's curriculum, this course will consist of detailed lectures and heavily guided lab exercises.

Course guide£º

Course participants
This course is intended for data modelers who desire an understanding of object-oriented analysis and design concepts for application in a data model, as well as hands-on practical experience applying the techniques within a use-case-driven, architecture-centric, and iterative development process
Required Experience
Students should have a basic understanding of:

The fundamentals of data modeling
The following terms and how they are documented in the UML; use-case, use-case specification, actor, use-case diagram, class, object, sequence and collaboration diagrams, class diagram
The student can satisfy this pre-requisite by attending Principles of Object Technology
The key activities and artifacts that are created in the Requirements workflow and the Use-Case Analysis activity in RUP
The student can satisfy this pre-requisite by attending Principles of Object Technology
The Rational Rose interface and know how to create use-case, sequence, collaboration, and class diagrams in Rational Rose
The student can satisfy this pre-requisite by attending Fundamentals of Rational Rose(R)

training Objectives

Upon completion of the course, participants should be able to:

  • Produce a database design, a DDL script and be able to demonstrate features in the data modeling process
  • Create a data model in the logical view, from which the student will learn to:
    • Transform a data model from a class design
    • Modify a data model
    • Demonstrate object relational mapping and tracking
    • Forward engineer a data model into a DDL script
    • Reverse engineer a DDL script by comparing and synchronizing
    • Create a physical model in the component view, from which the student will learn to develop a physical model using UML
    • Create a physical architecture in the deployment view, from which the student will learn to develop a physical model using UML
Course Arrangement
UML for data modeling extensions
Conceptual modeling
Logical modeling
Physical modeling
Reverse engineering
Course Features
  1. hands-on specialist teachers, Interactive case teaching, Simulation of projects processes.
  2. Combine theory with practice, and focus on teaching cases.
  3. Participants could follow the actual cases, the teaching style is very specific and profound.
  4. Specialist will consult the cases expounded by participants, guide them how to analyze and design a system in the course.

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