Course participants |
This is a basic course for software developers
who use Rational Software Architect to architect and design
enterprise applications, and who:
- Employ Model-Driven Development or Model-Driven Architecture
- Develop and apply custom patterns
- Develop and apply custom transformations
- Incorporate reusable assets in new development projects
- Extend the functionality of the Eclipse workbench with
plug-ins and pluglets
training Objectives
- Employ Model-Driven Development or Model-Driven Architecture
- Develop and apply custom patterns
- Develop and apply custom transformations
- Incorporate reusable assets in new development projects
- Extend the functionality of the Eclipse workbench with
plug-ins and pluglets
Course Arrangement |
- Patterns
- Custom transformations
- Plug-ins
- Pluglets
Course Features |
- hands-on specialist teachers, Interactive case teaching,
Simulation of projects processes.
- Combine theory with practice, and focus on teaching
- Participants could follow the actual cases, the teaching
style is very specific and profound.
- Specialist will consult the cases expounded by participants,
guide them how to analyze and design a system in the course.
Contact information |
E-mail :
Telephone : (86)10-62670969 |