from The Rational Edge:
This article, Part I of a series on principles and techniques for
improving IBM Rational ClearCase performance, provides an overview
of the principles of performance assessment and advice on how to
apply them in a Rational ClearCase environment.
On any given day, how many times does your development team check
out or check in artifacts from your IBM Rational® ClearCase®
versioned object bases (VOBs)? How many builds do they perform?
If you pause to consider how many Rational ClearCase operations
your team performs over the lifetime of a project, it is easy to
see how even a small improvement in the speed of these operations
can save a significant amount of time.
Over the past eight years, I have worked with development teams
of all sizes and geographic distributions, helping them use Rational
ClearCase more effectively and efficiently for software configuration
management (SCM). I think it is fair to say that all of them appreciated
any efforts that would enable them to get more work accomplished
in a day, and ultimately complete projects faster. Whether you are
a Rational ClearCase administrator facing a performance problem,
or you are just looking to improve performance to give your team's
productivity a boost, it helps to have a plan.
This article, Part I of a series on principles and techniques for
improving IBM Rational ClearCase performance, provides an overview
of the principles of performance assessment and advice on how to
apply them in a Rational ClearCase environment. It presents an approach
that I have found useful in diagnosing performance issues and arriving
at a solution,1
and uses a case study to illustrate this approach.
In an upcoming issue of The Rational Edge, Part II of this series
will discuss how to use specific tools and practices to assess and
improve the performance of IBM Rational ClearCase in your organization.
Getting started
When I address a performance problem, I start by gathering general
information. I try to identify characteristics of the problem and
determine how the problem manifested itself. Performance issues
can be classified into two broad categories:
- Issues that are suddenly serious.
- Issues that gradually worsen over time.
Slowdowns that have a sudden onset are usually easier to diagnose
and fix, as they are often related to a recent change in the IBM
Rational ClearCase operating environment. Performance issues that
evolve over a long period of time ? sometimes a year or more ? are
more difficult to resolve.
In many ways, the questions you ask to diagnose a performance problem
are similar to those for tracking down a bug in an application,
or those a doctor might ask a patient to locate the source of a
pain. Is the problem repeatable or transient? Is it periodic? Does
it happen at certain times of day? Is it associated with a specific
command or action? For example, with IBM Rational ClearCase, does
the problem only happen when a build is performed using clearmake
or some other tool? And, as with programming bugs, the performance
issues that you can reproduce easily ? such as those associated
with specific commands ? are easier to deal with. Intermittent problems
are, by nature, more challenging.
Once you have a better understanding of how the problem manifests
itself, you can start digging deeper to determine what exactly is
happening in the various systems that IBM Rational ClearCase relies
First principle of performance
analysis and monitoring
Systems are a loose hierarchy of interdependent resources2:
- Memory
- CPUs
- Disk controllers
- Disks
- Networks
- Operating system
- Database (in this case IBM Rational ClearCase)
- Applications
- Network resources (e.g., domain controllers, etc.)
The first principle of performance analysis is that, in most cases,
poor performance results from the exhaustion of one or more of these
resources. As I investigate the usage of these resources in an IBM
Rational ClearCase environment, I look first for obvious pathological
symptoms and configurations ? that is, things that just don't belong.
As an example, I recently was looking into a performance problem
at a customer site. A quick check of the view host revealed that
it was running 192 Oracle processes in addition to its Rational
ClearCase duties. Whether that was the cause of the performance
problem was not immediately obvious, but it clearly pointed to a
need to assess whether the resources on the machine were adequate
to support that many memory intensive processes.
In fact, that leads to another principle of performance analysis:
Beware of jumping to conclusions. Often one problem will mask a
less obvious issue that is the real cause of the problem. Also,
be careful not to let someone lead you to a conclusion if he or
she has a notion ahead of time about what is causing the problem.
It's important to recognize that this notion is just a hunch and
may not really be the explanation for the problem.
In performance analysis, I often think of a quote by physicist
Richard Feynman: "The first principle is that you must not
fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool." Essentially,
I remind myself not to fall into the trap of believing that the
first thing that looks wrong is really the primary problem.
A layered approach to
Tackling an IBM Rational ClearCase performance problem can be a
complex task. I find it a great help to partition the problem into
three levels that comprise a "performance stack," as shown
in Figure 1. At the lowest level are the operating system and hardware,
such as memory, processors, and disks. Above that are IBM Rational
ClearCase tunable parameters, such as cache size. At the highest
level are applications. In Rational ClearCase, the application space
includes scripts that perform Rational ClearCase operations, and
Rational ClearCase triggers that execute automatically before or
after a Rational ClearCase operation.
Figure 1:IBM Rational ClearCase performance |
In my experience ? and barring any pathological situation ? as
you move up each level in the performance stack, you can expect
the performance payback from your efforts to increase by an order
of magnitude. If you spend a week tweaking and honing parameters
in the operating system kernel, you might see some performance gains.
But if you spend some time adjusting the IBM Rational ClearCase
caching parameters as a heuristic, you'll see about a tenfold performance
gain compared to the kernel tweaks. When you move further up and
make improvements at the application layer, your performance gains
will be about two orders of magnitude greater than those garnered
from your lowest-level efforts. If you can optimize scripts and
triggers, or eliminate them altogether, there are potentially huge
paybacks. In Part II of this series, I'll talk more about how to
optimize the application layer to improve performance.
With that in mind, you may be tempted to look first at the application
layer. But as a matter of principle, when I do a performance analysis,
I start at the bottom of the stack. I instrument and measure first
at the OS and hardware level, and I look for pathological situations.
Then I move up into the tunable database parameters, and I look
at the application level last. There are a number of reasons for
this order of investigation. First, it is really easy to look at
the OS and hardware to see if there is something out of place going
on. There are very basic tools you can use that are easy and very
quick to run, and anything out of the ordinary tends to jump right
out at you ? such as the 192 Oracle processes, for example. Similarly,
at the next level up, IBM Rational ClearCase provides utilities
that will show you its cache hit rates and let you tune the caches.
These utilities are also very simple to use.
I look at the application layer last because of the complexities
involved. This layer is more complex technically because it has
multiple intertwined pieces. It also tends to be more complex politically
because scripts and triggers usually have owners who created them
for a reason and might not approach problem-solving the same way
you do. Some become defensive if there's a hint they've done something
wrong ? but often there is nothing "wrong"; it is just
that what they have done is, by nature, slow.
Another reason for starting at the lowest level is simply due diligence.
You do need to verify the fundamental operations of the system.
Although it is where I start, I don't necessarily spend a lot of
time there ? it's not where you get the most bang for your buck.
I don't spend a lot of time with the IBM Rational ClearCase tunable
parameters, either. It is usually a very quick exercise to examine
the caches, adjust the parameters, and move on.
If you were to start at the top, you might tweak on triggers and
scripts for a month, and never get to the fact that you are out
of memory. If the system is out of memory, then that is issue number
one. You should add more ? it is a fast and easy fix. By getting
the lower two layers out of the way first, it gives you time to
deal with the application layer. If you have enough time to optimize
? or even eliminate ? the application layer, then that's where you
will have the greatest impact on improving performance.
Iterate, iterate, iterate
Performance tuning is an iterative process:
- Instrument and measure.
- Look at the data. Find where the current bottleneck appears
to be.
- Fix the problem.
- Repeat.
You can keep following this cycle indefinitely, but eventually
you'll come to a point of diminishing returns. Once you find yourself
tweaking the kernel or looking up esoteric registry settings in
the Microsoft knowledge base, you are probably at a good place to
stop, because you are not likely to get a big return on your investment
of time.
As you iterate, keep in mind the hierarchical nature of performance
tuning. Remember that memory rules all. Symptoms of a memory shortage
include a disk, processor, or network that appears to be overloaded.
For example, when a system doesn't have enough memory, it will start
paging data out to disk frequently. Once it starts doing that, the
processor is burdened because it controls that paging, and the disk
is working overtime to store and retrieve all those pages of memory.
Adding more processing power or faster disks may help a little,
but it will not address the root cause of the problem. Check for
and fix memory shortages first, and then look at the other things.
Where to look
IBM Rational ClearCase is a distributed application. Its operations
involve multiple host computers as well as several common network
resources. For the purposes of solving a performance issue, I like
to think of the Rational ClearCase world as a triangle whose vertices
are the VOB host (machine running the vob_server process),
the view host (machine running the view_server process),
and the client(see Figure 2). When I undertake a performance analysis,
I inspect each vertex on the triangle. I check the performance stack
on each of those hosts, make sure that each has enough memory and
other low-level resources, and look for abnormal situations.
Figure 2:The IBM Rational ClearCase environment |
VOB host
In an IBM Rational ClearCase community, the permanent repository
of software artifacts consists of one or more VOBs, which are located
on one or more VOB hosts.
VOB servers are especially sensitive to memory, because of the
performance benefits of caching the VOB database. With more memory,
the VOB server can hold more of the database in memory. As a result,
it will have to access data from the disk less often, thereby avoiding
a process that is thousands of times slower than memory access.
For the VOB host, the IBM Rational ClearCase Administrator's
Guide recommends a minimum of 128 MB of memory, or half the
size of all the VOB databases the host will support, whichever is
greater. Heed the advice of the Administrator's Guide: "Adequate
physical memory is the most important factor in VOB performance;
increasing the size of a VOB host's main memory is the easiest (and
most cost-effective) way to make VOB access faster and to increase
the number of concurrent users without degrading performance."
Typically, there aren't many IBM Rational ClearCase tunable parameters
on the VOB host. There are settings you can use to control the number
of server processes, but this function is rarely needed. There are
other locking (lockmgr) parameters you can change if you notice
errors in the Rational ClearCase log. In that case, consult the
Rational ClearCase documentation or call IBM Rational technical
support, and they will walk you through what you need to do.
View host
A view server manages activity in a particular Rational ClearCase
view. The view server, in practice, should not run on the same physical
machine as a VOB server. In some cases, the view server and client
can run on the same box, depending on the configuration.
As with the VOB host, the first areas to check are the fundamentals
? memory, other processes running, and so on. But a view server
has more Rational ClearCase parameters that can be adjusted. Views
have caches associated with them, and you can increase the size
of those caches to improve performance.
I've been to some customer sites where the VOB host was doing great
and the view host was doing great, but the client machines were
woefully low on memory. The users complained about build problems
because the compiler they were using was consuming all the available
resources on the client. So if your check-out and check-in operations
are just fine, but builds are slow, the client machines are one
good place to look. The VOB host is another, because builds, especially
clearmake builds, stress the VOB server for longer periods of time
than check-out or check-in operations. As usual, check the OS and
hardware level first. Also, if the user is working with dynamic
views, the client machine will have MVFS (multiversion file system)
caches that you can increase to improve performance.3
I'll talk in more detail about how to check resources and tune
IBM Rational ClearCase in Part II of this series.
Shared network resources
Figure 2 shows a cloud of shared network resources that are also
very important to IBM Rational ClearCase performance. These resources
include domain controllers, NIS servers, name servers, registry
servers, and license servers. Rational ClearCase must authenticate
users before it allows operations. If the connection to the shared
resources that are required for this authentication is slow, then
user authentication in Rational ClearCase will be slow. The registry
server and license server are fairly lightweight and are often run
on the VOB host, so connectivity to these resources is usually not
an issue.
When you're trying to
save time, don't be latent
The edges of the triangle in Figure 2 are important as well. They
represent the connectivity between the VOB host, view host, and
client. In an IBM Rational ClearCase environment, not all network
performance metrics are created equal. Network latency ?
time it takes data to arrive at its destination ? has a much greater
impact on Rational ClearCase performance than network throughput,
the amount of data that can be sent across the network within a
given timeframe. That is because in most cases, Rational ClearCase
is not moving enormous files around. What it is doing is making
a lot of remote procedure calls, or RPCs.
As a quick review, an RPC is a particular type of message that
functions like a subroutine call between two processes that can
be running on different machines. When a client process calls a
subroutine on a server, RPC data, including arguments to the subroutine,
are sent over a lower-level protocol such as TCP or UDP. The server
receives the RPC, executes appropriate code, and responds to the
client. Then the client receives the response and continues processing.
RPCs are synchronous; that is, the client does not continue processing
until it receives the response. It is important to note that there
is a call and a return ? every RPC is a two-way street. If it takes
10 ms (milliseconds) for an RPC to flow from the client to the server,
then the total RPC "travel-time" is 20 ms, plus processing
In a typical IBM Rational ClearCase transaction, either the MVFS
or a client will send an RPC to the view server. The view server,
in turn, calls an RPC on the VOB server. The response must first
come back to the view server, and then a second response is sent
back to the client.
Figure 2:Remote procedure calls in a typical
IBM Rational ClearCase transaction |
This process has two layers of RPCs, each with a call and a response.
If you have network latency of 10 ms between each of the machines,
then this particular transaction will require 40 ms. Although that
may not seem like much time, it quickly adds up. A check-out operation
may involve more than 200 RPCs, as IBM Rational ClearCase authenticates
the user, locates the VOB, locates the view, and so on. So in this
case, even with relatively good 10 ms latency, over the course of
the entire operation, Rational ClearCase can spend more than a second
waiting for data to arrive through the network.
Latency increases with every "hop" ? or router ? that
data must traverse en route from its source to its destination.
Each router must process a packet to determine its destination,
and that processing takes time. So, the fewer hops, the better.
Remember, with Rational ClearCase performance tuning, it is latency,
rather than bandwidth, that really matters. You might have a network
with gigabit throughput capabilities, but if an RPC call has to
travel through a dozen routers, than you will be paying a significant
performance penalty.
Part II of this article series will provide details on how to assess
network latency and other network issues.
A case study
To illustrate some of the principles of IBM Rational ClearCase
performance analysis and tuning we have just discussed, let's look
at a real-life case study. I was working with a customer that had
been using Rational ClearCase for about a year. They had implemented
their own process, which included additional tracking and authorization
? they were not using UCM (Unified Change Management4).
The VOBs were all located on a single Solaris server, which had
four processors and four GB of memory. The view server ? which they
also used to perform builds ? was on a separate, but essentially
identical, machine. Even with these fairly high-powered machines,
the customer was complaining of poor performance during check-out
and check-in operations.
Level 1: OS / Hardware
When we talked to the system administrators, they thought that
the VOB and view servers were running just fine. They believed that
IBM Rational ClearCase was the problem. So we started with the performance
stack, moving from the bottom to the top. We did our initial analysis
at the bottom layer, looking for pathological things ? such as odd
configurations or strange processes running on the machines ? as
well as the standard sweep of resource metrics ? memory, processor,
disk, and so on. We determined that the VOB host was fine but the
view host was not.
As it turned out, this was the customer that had 192 Oracle processes
running on the view host! These processes were consuming 12 GB of
virtual memory on a system with only 4 GB of physical memory. Of
course, some of the memory used by each process was shared memory,
reducing the total memory used by these processes to something less
than 12 GB ? but that was still way more than the system had. Our
observations quickly revealed that the system was out of memory,
and that the processor utilization was very high? the processor
had zero idle time. But the core issue wasn't processing power;
it was memory.
We recommended that the customer remove the Oracle processes from
the view server machine. After that, we suggested adding memory
if it was still needed, and changing their user interaction model,
so that they were not compiling on the view host. Because the customer
had not noticed the performance problems before installing Rational
ClearCase (along with some application layer scripts they had developed),
they hesitated to make these changes, because they still suspected
that Rational ClearCase, not their systems, was causing the problem.
Level 2: Rational ClearCase
tunable parameters
Our next step was to move up the performance stack, looking at
ways to tune Rational ClearCase to improve performance. We determined
that the MVFS and view caches were undersized. Our second recommendation
was to increase the size of these caches, but we warned the customer
of the inherent danger in this step. Allocating larger caches would
make the memory shortfall greater, because we were essentially setting
aside memory that the system already lacked. We went ahead, knowing
that we were not addressing the memory issue. Performance did improve,
but not substantially.
Level 3: The application
Our next step was to examine the application layer. The customer
had implemented process scripts that they wrapped around check-out
and check-in operations to perform some additional authentication
and logging. We instrumented those scripts to find out where the
time was being spent, and then we ran them periodically throughout
the day. The measurements revealed that the actual Rational ClearCase
check-out and check-in times averaged 0.5 seconds, even on a view
host that was completely out of memory. The rest of the scripts'
processing time clocked in at 17.4 seconds. The logging and other
functions performed in the application layer were taking roughly
thirty-five times longer than the Rational ClearCase functions.
And this was a fairly consistent ratio. At different times of the
day, the Rational ClearCase times would be up to .7 seconds, but
the script times were then close to 25 seconds. And that's why people
were complaining.
To summarize, we started at the bottom of the performance stack.
At the hardware level, you don't often get a lot of payback, but
looking for pathological indicators is something you need to do.
We quickly saw the Oracle processes, noticed that the machine was
also being used to compile, and determined that the view host was
very low on memory. Next, we looked at the IBM Rational ClearCase
tunable parameters, and then produced a noticeable ? but not huge
? improvement by adjusting them. The real impact was in the application
layer. By rapidly examining the first two layers, we had enough
time to fully analyze the application space, and we found that there
was a lot of room for improvement.
The customer examined the functionality they had achieved with
the application layer scripts, and they found that some of the functionality
was already being provided by IBM Rational ClearCase. In addition,
some of the more complex tracking features they had implemented
were embodied in Unified Change Management, so they decided to implement
UCM. This made a critical difference in the amount of application-level
processing required, so check-in and check-out times dropped significantly
? and people stopped complaining.
What? Where? How?
So far I've talked about what to look for when analyzing
and tuning IBM Rational ClearCase performance, and I've talked about
where to look. In Part II, I'll discuss how to improve
Rational ClearCase performance using tools and utilities you probably
already have. Stay tuned!
1 The performance of IBM Rational ClearCase, like that
of any application, is dependent upon the environment it is in,
including the operating system, the hardware it runs on, and other
applications running in the same environment. In addition, each
organization will have its own tolerances and expectations of performance.
Because of this wide range of potential environments and expectations,
it is impossible to give hard-and-fast guidelines on what constitutes
an acceptable level of performance. If you need assistance in determining
whether your Rational ClearCase performance is reasonable for your
specific environment and configuration, you may want to contact
IBM Rational technical support. It is also beyond the scope of this
article to discuss detailed instructions on how to tweak the operating
system kernel, NFS (Network File System), Samba, or other low-level
2 For an excellent and detailed discussion on this topic,
see Configuration and Capacity Planning for Solaris Servers
by Brian L. Wong (Sun Microsystems Press, 1997).
3 MVFS is a feature of IBM Rational ClearCase that supports
dynamic views. Dynamic views use the MVFS to present a selected
combination of local and remote files as if they were stored in
the native file system. MVFS also performs auditing of clearmake
targets and maintains several caches to maximize performance.
4 Unified Change Management is IBM Rational's "best
practices" process for managing change from requirements to
release. Enabled by IBM Rational ClearCase and IBM Rational ClearQuest,
UCM defines a consistent, activity-based process for managing change
that teams can apply to their development projects right away.