wordpress plugin的SVN使用方法
2009-04-10 来源:storyday.com



All you want to do is add the plugin files you already have to your new repository.


To do that you’ll need to


1. Check out the blank repository.从远程文件取出空白文件夹,这样你就可以清楚的了解目录结构了

2. Add your files to the trunk/ directory of your local copy of the repository.将本地的文件放置到trunk目录下,别放目录,直接放你插件目录下的文件

3. Check in those files back to the central repository.将本地文件同步更新到远程文件

# Create a local directory on your machine to house


# a copy of the repository.


$ mkdir my-local-dir (进入windows的命令行 开始-〉运行->cmd,然后进入一个盘符:e: 建立一个文件夹my-local-dir )

# Check out the repository


$ svn co http://svn.wp-plugins.org/your-plugin-name my-local-dir (your-plugin-name是你成功申请的plugin name,而my-local-dir


> A my-local-dir/trunk
> A my-local-dir/branches
> A my-local-dir/tags
> Checked out revision 11325.

# As you can see, subversion has added ( “A” for “add” )
# all of the directories from the central repository to
# your local copy.


# Copy the plugin files to the local copy.
# Put everything in the trunk/ directory for now.


$ cd my-local-dir/
my-local-dir/$ cp ~/my-plugin.php trunk/my-plugin.php
my-local-dir/$ cp ~/readme.txt trunk/readme.txt

# Let subversion know you want to add those new files
# back into the central repository.


my-local-dir/$ svn add trunk/*
> A trunk/my-plugin.php
> A trunk/readme.txt


# Now check in the changes back to the central repository.
# Give a message to the check in.

执行下面的命令将会发送文件到wordpress的服务器,’Adding first version of my plugin’ 引号的文字只是一个message,随便你输入什么


my-local-dir/$ svn ci -m ‘Adding first version of my plugin’
> Adding trunk/my-plugin.php
> Adding trunk/readme.txt
> Transmitting file data .
> Committed revision 11326.

# All done!


Task 2: Editing a file that is already in the repository


We’ll assume you’ve already got your plugin repository filled with the needed files (Task 1). Now suppose you need to edit

one of the files to improve the plugin.

To do that you’ll need to

1. Make sure your copy of the repository is up to date.确保你当前的文件是最新的

2. Edit the file.编辑你想编辑的文件

3. Double check your changes.再次检查哪些文件发生了改变

4. Check in your changes.同步远程文件

# cd into your local copy of the repository and
# make sure it’s up to date


$ cd my-local-dir/ (进入本地文件夹)
my-local-dir/$ svn up (检查文件是否是最新文件)
> At revision 11326.

# Good: all up to date. If there had been changes in the
# central repository, they would have been downloaded and
# merged into your local copy.

# Edit the file that needs changing. I use nano.
# No need for editor wars; use whatever you like.

my-local-dir/$ nano trunk/my-plugin.php (这个是在*nix系统下用nano编辑文件,如果是window,请用其他编辑器直接编辑你需要编辑的文件)
# … edit … edit … make typo … edit
# … fix typo … edit … all done.

# You can check and see what’s different between your
# local copy and the central repository.
# First we check the status of the local copy.

my-local-dir/$ svn stat (检查本地文件和svn服务器上文件的状态,该命令会显示哪些文件做了改动)
> M trunk/my-plugin.php

# This tells us that our local trunk/my-plugin.php
# is different from the copy we downloaded from the
# central repository ( “M” for “modified” ).

# Let’s see what exactly has changed in that file,
# so we can check it over and make sure things look right.

my-local-dir/$ svn diff (这个命令是显示文件的那些部分做了改变,可以不用执行)
> * What comes out is essentially the result of a
* standard `diff -u` between your local copy and the
* original copy you downloaded.

# Looks good. Let’s check in those changes to the
# central repository.

my-local-dir/$ svn ci -m “fancy new feature: now you can foo *and* bar at the same time” (将改动后的文件上传到服务器)
> Sending trunk/my-plugin.php
> Transmitting file data .
> Committed revision 11327.

# All done!


Task 3: “Tagging” a new version


Each time you make a formal release of your plugin, you should tag a copy of that release’s code. This lets your users easily

grab the latest (or an older) version, it lets you keep track of changes more easily, and lets the WordPress.org Plugin

Directory know what version of your plugin it should tell people to download.

To do that you’ll need to remember to update the Stable Tag field in trunk/readme.txt beforehand!

Then you’ll

1. Copy your code to a subdirectory in the tags/ directory. For the sake of the WordPress.org plugin browser, the new subdirectory should always look like a version number. is good. Cool hotness tag is bad.

2. Check in that new subdirectory.

# You’ve just checked in the latest and greatest updates
# to your plugin, let’s tag it with a version number, 2.0.
# To do that, copy the files from your trunk/ directory to
# a new directory in tags/.
# Make sure to use `svn cp` instead of the regular `cp`.

my-local-dir/$ svn cp trunk tags/2.0 (将当前的文件copy到tag中,该例子表示tag到2.0)
> A tags/2.0

# Now, as always, check in the changes.

my-local-dir/$ svn ci -m “tagging version 2.0″ (上传改变的东西,更新svn服务器)
> Adding tags/2.0
> Adding tags/2.0/my-plugin.php
> Adding tags/2.0/readme.txt
> Committed revision 11328.

# All done!

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