Scenarios of working in a team development environment:
Using IBM Rational Software Architect and UCM

2009-12-04 作者:Dejan Custic 来源:IBM


Table of contents

Before you begin: Installing and configuring software

You must perform key software installation and configuration tasks before you set up your environment.


The following software must be installed on client workstations:

  • Rational Software Architect 6.0
  • ClearCase LT 6.0 Client

Setting up the ClearCase LT 6.0 environment

The ClearCase LT 6.0 environment should be set up as follows:

  • Rational ClearCase LT Server is installed. This is the shared server where your team stores the source code control repositories.
  • The ClearCase Getting Started wizard has not been run on the ClearCase LT Server.
  • All ClearCase LT Clients are configured to point to the ClearCase LT Server.

Using ClearCase 2003

You can also use ClearCase 2003 for this exercise. Some initial steps are different, but the ClearCase setup environment, including versioned object bases (VOBs), views, and so on, is the same.

Setting up the user community

ClearCase uses an integrated user identity based on the identity of the user that is logged in. In this scenario, a special account, called ucm_admin, performs the administrative operations in the source control system. You set this account to use a special group, called development, as its primary group. The users dev1 and dev2, also set the group development as their primary group.

If you cannot arrange to set this group as the primary group for users in the domain, you can do one of the following things instead:

  • Use the default group Domain Users as the ClearCase group.
  • Ensure that all users set their local user environment variable CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP to development.

If you use the default domain group called Domain Users, it requires less work and you do not need to use the environment variable; however, all users in the domain can read and potentially modify the ClearCase data. If you use a special group, you can hide information and restrict access to the ClearCase repositories (VOBs) to users in this group.

Configuring ClearCase groups and environment variables

In this exercise, you configure your ClearCase group as development and set the environment variable on your workstation.

If you use local accounts, create the local users and the group and add the users to the group. Otherwise, arrange for your network administrator to perform these tasks in the domain.

To configure your ClearCase group locally:

  1. Log in with the ucm_admin account.
  2. Add ucm_admin to the development group on your workstation.

To set a user environment variable on Windows XP:

  1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
  2. In the Control Panel, double-click System.
  3. In the System Properties window, click the Advanced tab.
  4. On the Advanced page, click Environment Variables.
  5. Under User variables for user, click New.
  6. In the New User Variable window, in the Variable name field, type CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP.
  7. In the Variable value field, type development.
  8. Click OK.

Setting up the ClearCase environment

To set up the ClearCase environment, the administrative user ucm_admin completes these high-level steps, which are described in detail in the following procedures. The administrator typically performs this setup once.

  1. Create an initial project VOB and Unified Change Management (UCM) project.
  2. Create a UCM component VOB.
  3. Create a new UCM project.
  4. Create ClearCase work areas:
    1. Create a development stream.
    2. Create a development view.
    3. Create an integration view.
    4. Load the new VOB into your work areas.

Creating the initial project VOB and UCM project

ClearCase stores file elements, directory elements, derived objects, and metadata in a repository called a VOB. Each UCM project must have a project VOB (PVOB). A PVOB is a special type of VOB that stores UCM objects, such as projects, activities, and change sets. A PVOB must exist before you can create a UCM project.

As the administrative user, create a PVOB called projects and a UCM project called InitialProject_1 through the ClearCase Getting Started wizard.

To create a PVOB and UCM project:

  1. On the ClearCase LT server, log in as ucm_admin.
  2. Click Start > Programs > Rational Software > Rational ClearCase > Administration > Getting Started wizard.
  3. In the Rational ClearCase LT Getting Started wizard, click Next.
  4. On the Create the ClearCase LT Storage Directory page, accept the default names for the source VOB and initial component and click Next.
  5. On the Create ClearCase source VOB page, accept the default directory for storing the ClearCase LT database and click Next.
  6. On the Create an Initial ClearCase LT Project page, in the Starting UCM Project Name field, type InitialProject_1.
  7. Under Type of Project, click Parallel stream project.
    Figure 1. Getting started wizard
    Getting started wizard
  8. Click Next.
  9. On the Summary of ClearCase LT System Configuration page, click Next.
  10. Click Close.

Note: The Import Source Files option is not appropriate for IDE projects because the IDEs contain the logic that determines which file types should be placed under source control. You do not use this initial repository called sources.

Planning UCM components

As the number of files and directories in your system increases, you need a way to reduce the complexity of managing them. Components are the UCM mechanism for simplifying the organization of your files and directories. The elements that you group into a component typically implement a reusable piece of your system architecture. By organizing related files and directories into components, you can view your system as a small number of identifiable components, instead of as one large set of directories and files.

Within a component, you organize directory and file elements into a directory tree. You can convert existing VOBs or directory trees within VOBs into components, or you can create a component from scratch.

Note: The directory and file elements of a component reside physically in a VOB. The component object resides in a PVOB.

Creating a VOB

To create a VOB for your IDE project:

  1. Click Start > Programs > Rational Software > Rational ClearCase > Administration > Create VOB.
  2. On the Name and Major Parameters page, in the What would you like the new VOB to be named field, type test_vob and click Next.
  3. On the Components page, click the Create VOB as a single VOB-level component and click Finish.
  4. In the Confirmation window, click OK.

Creating a new UCM project

In this exercise, you do not use the UCM project that you originally created, called InitialProject_1. Instead, you create a new UCM project called InitialProject. After you complete this procedure, your new UCM project contains a foundation baseline and the UCM component that is associated with your project is modifiable.

To create a UCM project:

  1. While logged in as ucm_admin, in the ClearCase Project Explorer, right-click projects; then click New > Project.
    Figure 2. Creating a new UCM project
    Creating a new UCM project
  2. On the Step 1 page, in the Project Name field, type InitialProject.
  3. Click Traditional parallel development and click Next.
  4. On the Step 2 page, click No and click Next.
  5. On the Step 3 page, click Add.
  6. In the Add Baseline window, click Change > All Streams.
  7. In the Component list, select test_vob.
  8. In the Baselines pane, click test_vob_INITIAL and click OK.
    Figure 3. Adding a baseline
    Adding a baseline
  9. Click Next
  10. On the Step 4 page, in the Make the following components modifiable pane, click test_vob and click Next.
  11. On the Step 5 page, click No and click Finish.
  12. In the Confirmation window, click OK.

    The following figure illustrates how a new UCM project is displayed in the ClearCase Project Explorer.

    Figure 4. New UCM project
    New UCM project

Creating ClearCase work areas

With UCM, a work area is the user work environment that is implemented with two objects: a stream and a view. A stream defines the working configuration for the view,or views, associated with it. A UCM project has one integration stream, which is part of the shared work area, and multiple development streams, each of which is part of a developer’s private work area.

You typically work with a development stream and then deliver your work to the integration stream. The development stream tracks the activities that are assigned to you and enables you to work in isolation from the rest of the UCM project team.

A view selects the appropriate versions of files and directories, as defined by a set of configuration rules, from all available versions in the VOB. ClearCase provides two types of views: snapshot and dynamic. With snapshot views, files are copied from the VOB to the local disk. Dynamic views reference files directly in the VOB.

Note: ClearCase LT uses snapshot views only.

Create work areas to populate the initial project framework and file artifacts.

To create a ClearCase work area:

  1. While logged in as ucm_admin, in the ClearCase Project Explorer, right-click InitialProject; then click Join Project.
  2. On the Choose a Project page, ensure that InitialProject is selected and click Next.
  3. On the Create a Development Stream page, accept the default stream names and click Next.
  4. On the Choose Location for a Snapshot View page, in the Where would you like the root of this view field, specify the development view location (for example C:\views\ucm_admin_InitialProject) and click Next.
  5. On the Choose Location for a Snapshot View page, in the Where would you like the root of this view field, specify the integration view location (for example C:\views\ucm_admin_InitialProject_int) and click Next.
  6. On the Choose Components page, ensure that test_vob is selected and click Finish.
  7. In the Confirm window, click OK.

    The following figure illustrates how a ClearCase work area is displayed in the ClearCase Project Explorer.

    Figure 5. Creating a ClearCase work area
    Creating a ClearCase work area

Your work area is rooted under ucm_admin_InitialProject (for example C:\views\ucm_admin_InitialProject). In ClearCase, each VOB appears as a subdirectory under the view root. UCM components can exist either as an entire VOB, or as first-level subdirectories underneath a VOB. In this exercise, your component is located in a separate VOB.

Sharing a modeling project

You share a modeling project, so that other team members can also work on it. In this section, you log into Rational Software Architect as ucm_admin, import a modeling project and share it in ClearCase.

Starting Rational Software Architect

Start Rational Software Architect and create an initial workspace.

To start Rational Software Architect:

  1. Click Start > Programs > IBM Rational > IBM Rational Software Architect V6.0 > Rational Software Architect.
  2. In the Workspace Launcher window, in the Workspace field, select a workspace and click OK.
  3. If you are prompted to change the auto launch configuration to your workspace path, click Yes.

Note: Your snapshot view location and your workspace location should always be separate.

Enabling the ClearCase SCM adapter and starting ClearCase

Enable the ClearCase SCM adapter and start ClearCase.

To enable the ClearCase SCM adapter and start ClearCase:

  1. Click Window > Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences window, expand Workbench > Capabilities.
  3. In the right pane, click Team.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click ClearCase > Connect to Rational ClearCase.

Set the preference to automatically connect to ClearCase when Rational Software Architect starts.

To automatically connect to ClearCase when Rational Software Architect starts:

  1. Click Window > Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences window, expand Team and click ClearCase SCM Adapter.
  3. Select the Automatically connect to ClearCase on startup check box.
  4. Click OK.

Importing an existing modeling project

In this exercise, you import an existing modeling project called Piggy Bank. In accordance with the Rational Unified Process (RUP), the Piggy Bank sample UML model is divided into three models that each describes a different aspect of the system: the use-case model, analysis model, and design model.

To import the Piggy Bank modeling project:

  1. Click Help > Samples Gallery.
  2. In the Contents pane, navigate to Application samples > Piggy Bank Application > Piggy Bank Models.
  3. In the right pane, click Import the sample.
  4. In the Sample Banking Models wizard, on the Piggy Bank Models page, accept the default project name and click Finish.
  5. Close the Samples Gallery.

    The following figure illustrates how the Piggy Bank modeling project is displayed in the Model Explorer view.

    Figure 6. Piggy Bank modeling project
    Piggy Bank modeling project

Sharing a project

Share your project to allow other team members to access it.

To share your project:

  1. In the Model Explorer view, right-click Piggy Bank Models; then click Team > Share Project.
  2. In the Share Project wizard, on the Share Project page, click ClearCase SCM Adapter and click Next.
  3. On the Rational ClearCase page, browse to the VOB location within your view (for example C:\views\ucm_admin_InitialProject\test_vob) and click Finish.
    Figure 7. Sharing a project
    Sharing a project
  4. In the Add Element(s) to Source Control window, click OK.
  5. In the ClearCase-Select Activity window, click New.
  6. In the ClearCase-New Activity window, in the New Activity field, type Share project and click OK.
    Figure 8. Creating a new activity
    Creating a new activity
  7. In the ClearCase-Select Activity window, click OK.

    The following figure illustrates how a shared project is displayed in the Model Explorer view.

    Figure 9. A shared project
    A shared project

Adding to the modeling project

Make changes to your models and store them in ClearCase, so that other team members can view them. Open a diagram and update a use-case diagram with an action.

To update a use-case diagram:

  1. In the Model Explorer view, double-click Use Case Model.emx.
  2. Navigate to Use Case Model > Account Operations > Display Balance > Display Balance and double-click Display Balance Activity Diagram.
    Figure 10. Opening the Display Balance Activity Diagram
    Opening the Display Balance Activity Diagram
  3. In the Palette, click Action.
  4. In the diagram editor, click above Display Accounts with balance.
  5. In the Check Out Element(s) window, click OK.
  6. In the ClearCase - Select Activity window, create a new activity and click OK.
  7. In the diagram editor, rename Action to Select Account.
  8. In the Palette, click Control Flow.
  9. In the diagram editor, click Select Account and drag the cursor to Display Accounts with balance.
  10. In the guard condition, type [true].
  11. Click the end of the guard condition that points to Display Accounts with balance and drag the cursor to Select Account.

    The following figure illustrates how a new action is displayed in the diagram editor.

    Figure 11. Creating an action
    Creating an action

Saving your work and checking it in

Save your work, and then check your changes into ClearCase.

To save and check in your files:

  1. Click File > Save All.
  2. In the Model Explorer view, right-click Use Case Model.emx; then click Team > Check In.
  3. In the Check In Element(s) window, click OK.

Delivering to the integration stream

The ClearCase deliver operation makes the work in one stream available to another stream.

Work is delivered in the form of activities or baselines. Differences between versions that are already part of the target stream of the delivery operation and versions that are being delivered are resolved through merging.

Versions associated with an activity or baseline must be checked in to be delivered. Only activities that were modified after the last deliver operation from the development stream are considered for delivery.

Deliver your files to the integration stream so that other users can work with the shared model. Until you deliver to the integration stream, users who join the UCM project see empty work areas.

To deliver the activities to the integration stream:

  1. Click ClearCase > Deliver Stream.
  2. In the Deliver from Stream window, click ucm_admin_InitialProject and click OK.
    Figure 12. Delivering to the integration stream
    Delivering to the integration stream
  3. In the Deliver from Stream Preview window, view which file versions are associated with a UCM activity:
    1. Click an activity and click Properties.
    2. In the Properties window, click the Change Set tab to view all the files that are associated with that activity.
    3. To return to the Deliver from Stream Preview window, click OK.
  4. To begin the delivery, ensure that all activities are selected and click OK.
  5. In the Deliver from Stream - Merges Complete window, clear the Open a ClearCase Explorer window to the root of the view check box and click OK.

Note: Do not complete the delivery now. Leave the Delivering to View window open. You will complete the delivery later after you test files in the integration view.

You have merged and checked out all of the files onto the integration stream and left these files checked out in the integration view.

Viewing the ClearCase branch structure

Each time that you revise and check in an element, ClearCase creates a new version of the element in the VOB.

ClearCase can organize the different versions of an element in a VOB into a version tree. Like any tree, a version tree has branches. Each branch represents an independent line of development. Changes to one branch do not affect other branches until you merge.

In UCM projects, the stream maintains a record of which branch or set of branches you use in a project; you typically do not work directly with branches.

You can view the underlying ClearCase branch structure that is associated with the streams by looking at the version tree.

To view the ClearCase branch structure:

  1. In the Model Explorer view, right-click Use Case Model.emx; then click Team > Show Version Tree.

    The following figure illustrates how a version tree is displayed.

    Figure 13. Version tree
    Version tree
  2. To exit the Version Tree Browser, click File > Exit.
  3. To exit Rational Software Architect, click File > Exit.

Testing the delivery in the integration view

At this stage, you typically verify that the application works as expected by testing the delivery and confirming that all merges are resolved correctly and that all changes are delivered. However, because no one else is currently working on the project, you do not need to perform this verification now.

Completing the delivery to the integration stream

You should still have an incomplete delivery to your integration stream.

To complete the delivery to the integration stream:

  1. In the Delivering to View window, which should still be open from the incomplete delivery, click Complete.
  2. Click Close.

Creating and recommending a baseline

With UCM, at certain points in the development cycle as dictated by your development process, your integrator or project leader creates a new baseline based on the activities that you and your team members delivered. A baseline identifies one version of every element that is visible in a component. Typically, baselines go through a cycle of testing and defect fixing until they reach a satisfactory level of stability. When a baseline reaches this level, you designate it as a recommended baseline.

When developers join the UCM project, they populate their work areas with the versions of directory and file elements from the UCM project’s recommended baseline. Alternatively, developers can join the UCM project at a feature-specific development stream level, in which case they populate their work areas with the development stream’s recommended baseline. This practice ensures that all members of the UCM project team start with the same set of files.

In the integration stream, create a baseline and then recommend the baseline so that users can gain access to the latest UCM components.

Creating a baseline

In the integration stream, create a baseline for your UCM component.

Note: You can also create a separate baseline for individual UCM components.

To create a baseline:

  1. In the ClearCase Project Explorer, right-click InitialProject_Integration; then click Make Baseline.
    Figure 14. Recommending a baseline
    Recommending a baseline
  2. To create a baseline for the UCM component, in the Make Baseline window, click OK.

Recommending a baseline

Recommend the baseline that users access when they rebase their development streams or join the project.

To recommend a baseline:

  1. In the ClearCase Project Explorer, right-click InitialProject_Integration; then click Recommend Baselines.
  2. In the Recommended Baselines window, click Seed List.

    When you seed the list for the new baseline at the INITIAL promotion level, you see the new baseline that you just created.

  3. Click OK.

After you recommend a new baseline for the first time, you typically inform your team to join the UCM project and begin work.

Rebasing your development stream

The ClearCase rebase operation provides a way for you to update work areas with work that has been integrated, tested, and approved for general use. This work is represented by baselines.

To work with the set of versions in the recommended baseline, you rebase your work area. To minimize the amount of merging necessary while you deliver activities, you rebase your work area with each new recommended baseline as it becomes available.

After you rebase, you typically build and then test the source files in your development view to verify that your undelivered activities build successfully with the versions in the baseline.

Update your work area with the latest UCM project changes by rebasing your development stream to the recommended baseline for the integration stream.

To rebase the development stream:

  1. In the ClearCase Project Explorer, right-click ucm_admin_InitialProject; then click Rebase Stream.
  2. In the Rebase Stream Preview window, click OK.
  3. In the Rebase Stream - Merges Complete window, click OK.
  4. In the Rebasing in View window, click Complete.
  5. Click Close.
  6. To exit ClearCase Project Explorer, click File > Exit.
  7. Log out as ucm_admin.

Developing models as part of a team

Before you start this exercise, ensure that you performed the initial setup for each new user, as described in Before you begin: installing and configuring software.

Setting up work areas for the developers

This exercise refers to two users: dev1 and dev2. Set up each user’s work area by joining the UCM project and importing the shared Piggy Bank modeling project.

To join the UCM project and import the Piggy Bank modeling project:

  1. Log in as dev1 and start Rational Software Architect.
  2. If prompted, select your workspace or create a new one.
  3. Enable the ClearCase SCM adapter and start ClearCase. For more information, see Enabling the ClearCase SCM adapter and starting ClearCase.
  4. Click ClearCase > Join Project.
  5. On the Choose a Project page, click InitialProject and click Next.
  6. On the Create a Development Stream page, accept the default stream names and click Next.
  7. On the Choose Location for a Snapshot View page, in the Where would you like the root of this view field, specify the development view location (for example C:\views\dev1_InitialProject) and click Next.
  8. On the Choose Location for a Snapshot View page, in the Where would you like the root of this view field, specify the integration view location (for example C:\views\dev1_InitialProject_int) and click Next.
  9. On the Choose Components page, clear the Start component browser after creating view check box.
  10. Ensure that the test_vob component check box is selected for loading and click Finish.
  11. In the Confirm window, click OK.
  12. Click File > Import.
  13. In the Import wizard, click Existing Project into Workspace and click Next.
  14. On the Import Project From File System page, in the Project contents field, browse to the location of the Piggy Bank model in your view (for example C:\views\dev1_InitialProject\test_vob\Piggy Bank Models).
    Figure 15. Importing a project
    Importing a project
  15. Click Finish.
  16. Log off as dev1 and repeat the entire procedure as dev2.

Adding to the modeling project

As dev2, make a change to a use-case diagram by renaming an action.

To rename an action:

  1. In the Model Explorer view, double-click Use Case Model.emx.
  2. Navigate to Use Case Model > Account Operations > Display Balance > Display Balance and double-click Display Balance Activity Diagram.
  3. In the diagram editor, rename Display Accounts with balance to Display Selected Account.
  4. In the Check Out Element(s) window, click OK.
  5. In the ClearCase - Select Activity window, create a new activity and click OK.

    The following figure illustrates how a renamed action is displayed in the diagram editor.

    Figure 16. Renaming an action
    Renaming an action

Saving your work and checking it in

Save your work, and then check your changes into ClearCase.

To save and check in your files:

  1. Click File > Save All.
  2. In the Model Explorer view, right-click Use Case Model.emx; then click Team > Check In.
  3. In the Check In Element(s) window, click OK.

Delivering to the integration stream

While logged in as dev2, from Rational Software Architect, complete the delivery of your files to the integration stream. For more information, see Delivering to the integration stream.

Because your delivery only reflects new model changes and no code changes, you do not need to test the projects in the integration view before you complete the delivery.

Creating and recommending a baseline

As ucm_admin, create and recommend a baseline so that the changes that dev2 delivered are shared with the team. For more information, see Creating and recommending a baseline.

Rebasing as dev1

As dev1, from Rational Software Architect, rebase your development stream to the recommended baseline for the integration stream to update your work area with the changes that dev2 delivered.

To rebase to the recommended baseline:

  1. Log in as dev1.
  2. Start Rational Software Architect and select a workspace to use.
  3. Enable the ClearCase SCM adapter and start ClearCase. For more information, see Enabling the ClearCase SCM adapter and starting ClearCase.
  4. Click ClearCase > Rebase Stream.
  5. To view the baseline for this rebase procedure, in the Rebase Stream Preview window click Advanced.
  6. In the Change Rebase Configuration window, the baseline to which you will rebase to is listed. To return to the Rebase Stream Preview window, click OK.
  7. To begin the rebase, click OK.
  8. In the Rebasing in View window, click Complete.

Note: You should always rebase your view with models closed. If you rebase your view when models are open, you are not prompted to reload and you can erase all changes from the previous version.

Tips for working in ClearCase

If you work in ClearCase outside of Rational Software Architect when a Rational Software Architect workspace is open, your changes are not automatically reflected in the workspace. If you do create this situation, resolve it as follows:

  1. In the Model Explorer view, right-click a project; then click Refresh.
  2. In the Model Explorer view, right-click a project; then click Team > Refresh Status.

These actions synchronize the file system state on disk with the in-memory state of the Model Explorer view and the source control status.

Starting parallel development: Comparing and merging models

In this exercise, you perform parallel development. The two users on your team make different changes to the same model element. In the next exercise, when the second user tries to check in and deliver files, the user must perform a merge to resolve the differences.

The following steps describe the workflow in this exercise:

  1. The user named dev1 checks out a file, makes changes, and delivers the changes to the integration stream.
  2. The user named dev2 checks out the same file, makes a conflicting change, and delivers the change, but needs to perform a merge before the changes are delivered.

A merge typically starts when you check in a model to a configuration management system and a newer version of the same model already exists in the repository. At the start of the merge, all non-conflicting differences and trivial conflicts are resolved automatically. You must then manually resolve the remaining conflicts by selecting a version of a model from which to accept changes. After you resolve the remaining conflicts, you can save the merged model and close the merge editor.

Introducing conflicts to the model

In this exercise, dev1 introduces a change, and then delivers the change to the integration stream. The dev2 user then makes a conflicting change, starts to deliver, and initiates a merge so that the conflicting change can be resolved.

To make a change as dev1:

  1. As dev1, in the Model Explorer view, double-click Use Case Model.emx.
  2. Navigate to Use Case Model > Account Operations and double-click Account Operations Use Cases.
  3. In the diagram editor, rename Teller to Auditor.
  4. In the Check Out Element(s) window, click OK.
  5. When you are prompted for an activity, create a new activity.
  6. Click File > Save All.
  7. Right-click Use Case Model.emx; then click Team > Check In.
  8. In the Check In Element(s) window, click OK.
  9. Click ClearCase > Deliver Stream and complete your delivery to the integration stream.
  10. Log off as dev1.

To make a conflicting change as dev2:

  1. Log in as dev2.
  2. In the Model Explorer view, double-click Use Case Model.emx.
  3. Navigate to Use Case Model > Account Operations and double-click Account Operations Use Cases.
  4. In the diagram editor, rename Teller to Manager.
  5. In the Check Out Element(s) window, click OK.
  6. When you are prompted to create an activity, create a new activity.
  7. Click File > Save All.
  8. Right-click Use Case Model.emx; then click Team > Check In.
  9. In the Check In Element(s) window, click OK.
  10. Click ClearCase > Deliver Stream.
  11. In the Deliver from Stream Preview window, click OK.
  12. In the Deliver from Stream window, ensure that Start the Diff Merge tool for this element is selected and click OK.
    Figure 17. Starting a merge
    Starting a merge

    The Merge window opens. You can view the differences and conflicts between contributor and ancestor files in the Left, Right, and Ancestor views. You can also view details about each difference and conflict in the Structural Differences view. The Merged result view displays the merged model.

Resolving the conflict

At this point, dev1 and dev2 have both made changes to the same file. The dev1 user has checked in and delivered changes. The dev2 user delivered a conflicting change, which started a merge. The dev2 user must resolve the conflict and complete the delivery.

To resolve the conflict:

  1. To accept the change that dev2 made, in the Merge window, in the Structural Differences view, right-click Conflicting changes; then click Resolve with Right Contributor.
    Figure 18. Resolving a conflict
    Resolving a conflict
  2. In the Merged result view, click Save.
    Figure 19. Saving a merged model
    Saving a merged model
  3. Close the Merge window.
  4. In the Deliver from Stream - Merges Complete window, click OK.
  5. In the Delivering to View window, click Complete.

The merge is now complete and the results are under ClearCase control.


This concludes the initial setup of a team development infrastructure. The next team development scenario will cover the use of Rational Software Architect and Concurrent Versions System (CVS).



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