
Pattern Tips 之六
Command,Memento,Iterator。都是抽象出一个高聚合的Servant Class。

剩下的其它模式。Interpreter,Flyweight,Singleton,Chain of Respondsibility。


●Tip 1:关键字。Cursor,Aggregate。

●Tip 2:图。

可以看到,为了达到“将Aalgorithm从Data分离出来”的目的,代价是1.5 个对象:新增Iterator,Aggregate增加CreateIterator()操作(这样可以使Client仅依赖于Aggregate这个Interface)。

●Tip 3:实现和使用。讨论模板和CreateIterator()操作。。。external iterator。。。internal iterator。。还有STL。。。MFC的EnumChildWindow()。。

●Tip 4:优点。Iterators simplify the Aggregate interface. Iterator's traversal interface obviates the need for a similar interface in Aggregate, thereby simplifying the aggregate's interface。

●Tip 5:支持变化。Separating the traversal mechanism from the List object lets us define iterators for different traversal policies without enumerating them in the List interface。More than one traversal can be pending on an aggregate。图中的黄色Class就是假想后来扩充的。

●Tip 6:局限性。Notice that the iterator and the list are coupled, and the client must know that it is a list that's traversed as opposed to some other aggregate structure.

----------------------------------Chain of Respondsibility----------------------------

●Tip 1:关键字。。

●Tip 2:图。


●Tip 3:实现。

MFC中,CCmdTarget的子类们,实现不同的OnWndMsg()来实现Chain of Respondsibility。

在MFC中,message struct就是Command Class的例子,它沿着CCommandTarget链传递,直至被处理。

----------------------------------Chain of Respondsibility and Composite----------------------------

chain of Respondsibility and composite

Chain of Responsibility is often applied in conjunction with Composite.
There, a component's parent can act as its successor.

There are two possible ways to implement the successor chain: 
Define new links (usually in the Handler, but ConcreteHandlers could define them instead). 
Use existing links. 

Often the component-parent link (composite-children link) is used for a Chain of Responsibility.
It saves you from defining links explicitly. 

But if the structure doesn't reflect the chain of responsibility your application requires, 
then you'll have to define redundant links. 

HelpHandler base class has a var member named 
class HelpHandler {
        HelpHandler(HelpHandler* s) : _successor(s) { }
        virtual void HandleHelp();
        HelpHandler* _successor;

but MFC's CCommandTarget has no var member, but use code in OnWndMsg()


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