
     Test Your UML Knowledge

Number: 1
Category: General
Question: Object-Oriented Technologies have the following benefits:

Answer1: Increased encapsulation
Answer2: Decreased coupling between modules
Answer3: Increased cohesion of code
Answer4: High level of abstraction
Answer5: All of the above

Number: 2
Category: General
Question: In Object-oriented Technology the word "UML" means

Answer1: Unified Module Language
Answer2: Unified Modeling Language
Answer3: Universal Module Leveling
Answer4: Universal Module Language

Number: 3
Category: General
Question: Which of the following statements is true?

Answer1: Structured analysis was developed from Object-oriented Technology.
Answer2: UML is a collaboration of the main stream Object-Oriented Methodologies.
Answer3: Object-Oriented Technology is the culmination of High level Programming languages such as Java and C++.
Answer4: Only object-oriented programming languages can be used to implement object-oriented designs.

Number: 4
Category: General
Question: What is true about Object-oriented Analysis?

Answer1: It is a method of modeling requirements of the system
Answer2: It is a technique for analyzing the design of the system
Answer3: Code can be written directly from the Analysis
Answer4: It comes after object-oriented design in the product life cycle.

Number: 5
Category: Classes
Question: A object has

Answer1: Behavior
Answer2: State
Answer3: Identity
Answer4: Attributes
Answer5: All of the Above

Number: 6
Category: Classes
Question: Which of the following is true?

Answer1: An object is an instance of a class
Answer2: A class is an abstract definition for a set of objects
Answer3: An object can be in more than one class
Answer4: An object has a life span.
Answer5: All of the above

Number: 7
Category: Classes
Question: An object's state is determined by,

Answer1: The value of all of its attributes
Answer2: Its relationships with other objects
Answer3: Its history at any given point in time
Answer4: The operations that it can perform
Answer5: Answers 2 and 4
Answer6: Answers 1 and 2
Answer7: Answers 1, 3, and 4
Answer8: Answers 1, 2, and 3

Number: 8
Category: Classes
Question: A class's structure is

Answer1: Represented in code
Answer2: Represented by attributes and relationships
Answer3: Represented by operations.
Answer4: Represented by object interactions.
Answer5: Answers 1 and 2
Answer6: Answers 2 and 3

Number: 9
Category: Classes
Question: A class's behavior is

Answer1: Determined by a set of operations
Answer2: Determined by its attributes
Answer3: Is unique for each object of the class
Answer4: Determined by its parent class.
Answer5: Answers 1 and 2
Answer6: Answers 2 and 3

Number: 10
Category: Classes
Question: Which of the following statements is true?

Answer1: Class cardinality determines the number of objects that can exist of the specific class.
Answer2: An abstract class contains only private operations.
Answer3: A utility class only contains operations.
Answer4: A parameterized class can only contain one formal parameter.

Number: 11
Category: Classes
Question: Which of the following statements are true about method visibility?

Answer1: A class's methods are visible to all other objects of the same class independent of its visibility.
Answer2: Other objects can access operations of a class if the visibility of the operation is public.
Answer3: An object can access all of its methods regardless of the visibility of the operation's visibility.
Answer4: A child class can access all of its parents operations regardless of visibility.
Answer5: Answer 1 and 2
Answer6: Answer 2 and 3
Answer7: None of the above

Number: 12
Category: Classes
Question: Which of the following is false about cardinality mapping?

Answer1: "1" - exactly one and only one
Answer2: "0..n" - any real number including zero
Answer3: "0..1" - zero or one
Answer4: "3..7" - 3 or 7
Answer5: "3,7" - 3 or 7

Number: 13
Category: Classes
Question: What is the type of visibility required for a child class to see the operations of a parent class in an inheritance relationship?

Answer1: Public
Answer2: Protected
Answer3: Private
Answer4: Implementation
Answer5: All of the above
Answer6: Answers 1 and 3
Answer7: Answers 2 and 3
Answer8: Answers 1 and 2

Number: 14
Category: Classes
Question: Polymorphism is

Answer1: When an operation in a child class has the same name and operation signature as the parent class.
Answer2: When an object changes the class that it belongs.
Answer3: When an operation in the same class has the same name and a different signature.
Answer4: When an attribute in a child class has the same, name and type, of the parent class.

Number: 15
Category: Classes
Question: The term "overriding" refers to

Answer1: An operation in a child class has the same name and operation signature as the parent class.
Answer2: An object changes the class that it belongs.
Answer3: When an operation in the same class has the same name and a different signature.
Answer4: When an attribute in a child class has the same, name and type, of the parent class.

Number: 16
Category: Classes
Question: Attributes of children classes in an inheritance relationship can have the same name as attributes in the parent class.

Answer1: This is called attribute overriding.
Answer2: This is called attribute polymorphism.
Answer3: This statement is not a valid in Object-oriented technology.
Answer4: This is called attribute redefinition.

Number: 17
Category: Classes
Question: What visibilities can attributes can have?

Answer1: Public
Answer2: Protected
Answer3: Private
Answer4: Implementation
Answer5: All of the above
Answer6: Answers 1 and 4
Answer7: None of the above

Number: 18
Category: Classes
Question: A utility class refers to

Answer1: A class that creates and destroys other classes
Answer2: A class that has 1 as the cardinality
Answer3: A group of common operations grouped together in a class
Answer4: A class that controls the behavior of other classes.

Number: 19
Category: Relationships
Question: What statement best describes an inheritance relationship?

Answer1: "HAS A" relationship.
Answer2: "IS A" relationship
Answer3: "IMPLEMENTS" relationship
Answer4: "USES" relationship
Answer5: "IS A MEMBER" relationship

Number: 20
Category: Relationships
Question: What statement best describes a realize relationship?

Answer1: "HAS A" relationship.
Answer2: "IS A" relationship
Answer3: "IMPLEMENTS" relationship
Answer4: "USES" relationship
Answer5: "IS PART OF" relationship

Number: 21
Category: Relationships
Question: What statement best describes an aggregation relationship?

Answer1: "HAS A" relationship.
Answer2: "IS A" relationship
Answer3: "IMPLEMENTS" relationship
Answer4: "USES" relationship
Answer5: "IS PART OF" relationship

Number: 22
Category: Relationships
Question: What statement best describes a dependency relationship?

Answer1: "HAS A" relationship.
Answer2: "IS A" relationship
Answer3: "IMPLEMENTS" relationship
Answer4: "USES" relationship
Answer5: "IS PART OF" relationship

Number: 23
Category: Relationships
Question: What statement best describes an association relationship?

Answer1: "HAS A" relationship.
Answer2: "IS A" relationship
Answer3: "IMPLEMENTS" relationship
Answer4: "USES" relationship
Answer5: "IS PART OF" relationship

Number: 24
Category: Relationships
Question: The class foo has many of the same attributes as class bar, but it behaves slightly differently from bar. It can be said that foo is a specialization of bar. What is the relationship between foo and bar?

Answer1: Association
Answer2: Aggregation
Answer3: Inheritance
Answer4: Realization
Answer5: Dependency
Answer6: None of the Above

Number: 25
Category: Relationships
Question: The class foo represents an interface to a library. The class bar contains all of the operations of the foo class and is the actual class that is used at runtime of the library. What is the relationship between foo and bar?

Answer1: Association
Answer2: Aggregation
Answer3: Inheritance
Answer4: Realization
Answer5: Dependency
Answer6: None of the above

Number: 26
Category: Relationships
Question: An operation in class foo calls an operation in class bar. There are no other relationships between the two classes. What type of relationship is this one?

Answer1: Association
Answer2: Aggregation
Answer3: Inheritance
Answer4: Realization
Answer5: Dependency

Number: 27
Category: Relationships
Question: A car has four wheels. The class car and the class wheel have what type of relationship?

Answer1: Association
Answer2: Aggregation
Answer3: Inheritance
Answer4: Realization
Answer5: Dependency

Number: 28
Category: Relationships
Question: The student attends several classrooms. The classroom can hold several students. What is the relationship between the student and the classroom?

Answer1: Association
Answer2: Aggregation
Answer3: Inheritance
Answer4: Realization
Answer5: Dependency

Number: 29
Category: Relationships
Question: What is true about tertiary relationships?

Answer1: It is a relationship that relates one class to three other classes.
Answer2: It is a single relationship that relates three classes together.
Answer3: It is a resulting relationship from a primary and secondary relationship.
Answer4: It is not a valid term in object-oriented technologies.

Number: 30
Category: Relationships
Question: What kinds of items are related in realization relationships?

Answer1: An interface and its implementation class
Answer2: A Parameterized class and an instantiated class
Answer3: An operation and a class
Answer4: An attribute and a class
Answer5: A package and a class
Answer6: All of the above
Answer7: Answers 1 and 2
Answer8: Answers 1 and 3
Answer9: Answers 2 and 3

Number: 31
Category: Relationships
Question: Select the relationships that can have cardinality, other than "1".

Answer1: Association
Answer2: Aggregation
Answer3: Inheritance
Answer4: Realization
Answer5: Dependency
Answer6: All of the above
Answer7: Answers 1, 3, and 4
Answer8: Answers 1 and 2
Answer9: Answers 3,4, and 5

Number: 32
Category: Relationships
Question: Which of the following statements are false?

Answer1: A class can have a relationship to itself.
Answer2: An object can have a relationship to other objects of the same class.
Answer3: A class can have only one relationship to another class.
Answer4: A relationship can exist with a cardinality of zero.
Answer5: A class can exist without any relationships to other objects.

Number: 33
Category: Relationships
Question: What types of relationships can a class have to itself?

Answer1: Association
Answer2: Aggregation
Answer3: Inheritance
Answer4: Realization
Answer5: Dependency
Answer6: Answers 1 and 2
Answer7: Answers 3 and 5
Answer8: Answers 4 and 5
Answer9: None of the above

Number: 34
Category: Use Cases
Question: What is an actor in use case analysis?

Answer1: Anything that interacts with the system.
Answer2: A term for business objects that reside in the system.
Answer3: Anything that reacts to outside forces of the system.
Answer4: This is not a term in use case analysis.

Number: 35
Category: Use Cases
Question: What of the following is true about use case analysis?

Answer1: The actors of the system determine the boundary of the system.
Answer2: The set of all actors delimits the system.
Answer3: Use Cases describe the responses of the system to stimuli from its actors.
Answer4: Use Cases can send stimuli to actors of the system.
Answer5: All of the above

Number: 36
Category: Use Cases
Question: A Use Case represents

Answer1: A class hierarchy of business objects.
Answer2: A set of uses relationships in the model.
Answer3: A sequence of transitions that are performed by the system.
Answer4: A state machine for the complete system.
Answer5: None of the above

Number: 37
Category: Use Cases
Question: Which of the following is false about Use Case Analysis?

Answer1: An Actor must be directly associated with at least one use case in the system.
Answer2: A use case must be directly related to at least one actor of the system
Answer3: A use case can be related to actors and other use cases.
Answer4: Actors can be people, machines, or other systems.
Answer5: All of the above are true

Number: 38
Category: Scenarios
Question: What is true about scenarios?

Answer1: It is an instance of a Use Case.
Answer2: It represents one flow of events in the system.
Answer3: It contains objects of the system and the interaction between the objects.
Answer4: It is a good place to find objects that can be classified into classes.
Answer5: All of the above
Answer6: None of the above

Number: 39
Category: Scenarios
Question: A software designer wants to show a scenario that has a time critical flow of control between multiple objects. What diagramming technique should they use?

Answer1: Sequence Diagram
Answer2: Collaboration Diagram
Answer3: State Diagram
Answer4: Class Diagram

Number: 40
Category: Scenarios
Question: A Sequence diagram contains

Answer1: Objects
Answer2: Messages
Answer3: Object Visibility
Answer4: Timing constraints
Answer5: Focus of control
Answer6: All of the above
Answer7: All of the above except 3
Answer8: All of the above except 5
Answer9: All of the above except 1

Number: 41
Category: Scenarios
Question: Collaboration diagrams contain

Answer1: Objects
Answer2: Messages
Answer3: Object Visibility
Answer4: Timing constraints
Answer5: Focus of control
Answer6: All of the above
Answer7: All of the above except 3
Answer8: All of the above except 5
Answer9: All of the above except 1

Number: 42
Category: Scenarios
Question: What is true about messages in scenarios?

Answer1: The operation of the calling object
Answer2: The operation of the called object
Answer3: It is sent by the actor to the system
Answer4: It is sent by the system to the actor
Answer5: None of the above

Number: 43
Category: State Machines
Question: A State Machine contains

Answer1: States of a class
Answer2: Transitions between states
Answer3: Actions performed by the class
Answer4: Events that trigger actions in the class
Answer5: All of the above

Number: 44
Category: State Machines
Question: A state machine can have only one

Answer1: Termination State
Answer2: Initial State
Answer3: Action per state
Answer4: Transition from a state
Answer5: All of the above

Number: 45
Category: State Machines
Question: A non-deterministic State Machines is

Answer1: When a state has multiple non-qualified outgoing transitions.
Answer2: When a state has one non-qualified outgoing transition.
Answer3: When a transition does not go to a state.
Answer4: When a transition does not have a guard condition.

Number: 46
Category: State Machines
Question: A transition with out a guard condition or a trigger event is called

Answer1: Non-deterministic transition
Answer2: Automatic transition
Answer3: Under-defined transition
Answer4: Illegal transition

Number: 47
Category: State Machines
Question: Which of the following statements is false?

Answer1: An object can be in more than one state at a time
Answer2: A state machine can have multiple termination states
Answer3: A state can remember which sub state was the last state
Answer4: A transition can fire conditionally.

Number: 48
Category: Design Patterns
Question: What is false about design patterns?

Answer1: A design pattern can decrease time to market and increase quality.
Answer2: A design pattern is a map from object-oriented design to specific language implementation.
Answer3: A design pattern contains well-defined constructs for specific types of problems.
Answer4: Design patterns can be applied to software problems, and organizational problems.

Number: 49
Category: Design Patterns
Question: What type of pattern is a factory pattern?

Answer1: A behavioral pattern
Answer2: A creation pattern
Answer3: A structural pattern
Answer4: An organizational pattern

Number: 50
Category: Design Patterns
Question: An engineer needs to design a system for multiple customers that are accessing the same database. Each customer has unique ways they want to look at the information from the database. They will need to see changes to the data in a real-time fashion. What design pattern will be most useful?

Answer1: Abstract Factory
Answer2: Blackboard
Answer3: Model View Controller
Answer4: Reflection
Answer5: Part-Whole
Answer6: None of the above


